Chapter 23

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Sage's pov:
Ace told me that Arlo agreed to meet me at this new sushi place at 8pm, after he got free from work. I forgot the places name.
I'm pleasantly surprised that it's a sushi place I've been craving sushi like crazy. The last time I had it was when Cade took me to Nobu for our anniversary. It was a really fun day.

I hope he's doing good and is happy.

Also should I change my clothes? It's not like it's a date. We are just going there to talk. I don't want to give him the wrong impression. I just want to give him his ring back. I don't need it nor want it.

Okay some part of me might want it. Which is the lover girl part but the sensible part of me does not want to keep something that'll make me sentimental.

I want to get rid of it.

I hear muffled steps, then a knock on my door. It must be Ace.

"Come in." I say. He does and he looks exhausted.

I feel bad.

"Hard day at work?" I ask.

To which he replies with, "Yea kind of. Aren't you going to get dressed?"

To which I just say, "Nopes I'm ready."

He looks at me with shock in his eyes. And says, "You look like shit in those sweats. Atleast put on some makeup and look like an actual human."

Wow! "Rude."

He sighs and says, "I'm saying the truth Sage."

To which I reply with, " Okay. I've made my decision."

To which he just says, "Hm."

"What hm?" I ask to which he just shakes his head and says nothing.

After a while of uncomfortable silence I say, "Can you give me a ride?" He looks puzzled for a second and then guilty.

Then says, "I can't. I have a date with my girlfriend."

Hold up, WHAT!!!!


He's eyeing me suspiciously when he says, "Yes. Why are you shouting?"

To which I just reply with, "I am not. I'm just excited. Can I meet her? Please?"

He suddenly becomes really tense and says, "Not today. Maybe later. You should leave you're gonna be late for your date."

To which I say, "It's not a date."

He doesn't believe me but still says, "sure."

I had so much left, to say Where stories live. Discover now