One Night Stand Pt. 2

398 25 15

Request: Yes, by you lovely lots

Summary: Kali & Marshall meet again by chance when she's 3 and a half months pregnant...

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Kali's POV:

— 2 Months Later

It's been two months since I found out that I was unfortunately pregnant. I'm currently three and a half months along, and I am so unhappy. I've been considering abortion and even scheduled an appointment for it. But there was an issue with that; Abortion where I live - Atlanta, Georgia, is only legal for up to six weeks... I'm 14 weeks. But in Florida, it was up to 15 weeks. So I was going to go there for a day or two, get my abortion, then come back home. My appointment was scheduled for a few days from now, which would literally mark me at 15 weeks pregnant.

I think it's ridiculous that I even have to go to another state to have an abortion, but unfortunately, that's just the way America is set up. They've never supported women's rights, especially those pertaining to her own body. And considering Georgia is a republican ran state full of white men making those decisions, I shouldn't have even been surprised or disappointed.

As stated earlier, I was completely unhappy with my pregnancy. I didn't want kids nor did I need any. Especially not now with how involved I am with my work as a celebrity hairstylist. It simply didn't align with me with my lifestyle. That, and I don't want to take care of another human. I didn't want to be a mom. I didn't want to take care of a child, didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night to crying, and didn't want to be alone in this like I currently was. As far as everyone else was concerned, I was doing just fine. I was covering up my growing belly with oversized or flowy clothes. My family had no idea and simply thought I was going through another phase in my life, and I kept working as usual. Marshall had no idea I was pregnant either.

I had tried to contact him, but it was no use. I messaged him on Instagram and was left on delivered for weeks until it changed to read one day. But that's all that ever happened. He never responded. It was the same reaction when I sent him a message on Twitter. There was complete radio silence from him. So I gave up even trying to tell him that he was the father despite him reading every message I sent him. And it's not like I could just call him and tell him. I never had his phone number. It was a night stand between us that resulted in a fetus. Why would I have his phone number? Neither of us expected this to happen, but since it did I expected a mature response from him. Even if I didn't want this baby, I still expected him to own up to the fact that he at least impregnated me; Regardless of if he wanted to be in his child's life or not. It was the mature adult thing to do. But he was a stranger to me as much as I was to him. So maybe he was incapable of doing that, and I just didn't know the kind of person he was. Although he never came off that way during our conversation when I first met him.

Funnily enough though, I held no ill intent towards him. Even if he did commission me to do his daughter's hair for her entire wedding crew, which included her, the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and of course, him... I initially was going to decline this invitation to work, but he was talking big money. As a hustler, I'll never let my personal affairs get in the way of my bag or my career.

I had already cut all the men's hair, and fixed up their beards for them, trimming it and shaving it down some. So far, that was my only interaction with Marshall; When I cut his hair. I never brought it up to him and he didn't bring it up either. We had greeted each other briefly, he thanked me for coming out to do this for him so last minute, and that was it. I was too busy to talk anyway. However, the entire time, I was feeling rather nervous. Ever since I became pregnant, my anxiety has increased when I never even had it before. That happens to some women when they're carrying, according to my doctor. There was something about his presence that made me feel weak and nervous.

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