Episode 3 - The Massacre

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**Past Brown Cameraman POV:**

I stood frozen in horror as the large skibidi toilet, accompanied by its smaller counterparts, loomed ominously before me. Fear gripped my circuits as I hesitated, unsure of how to confront the impending threat. But before I could make a move, tragedy struck.

In a swift and brutal motion, the skibidi toilet next to me lunged forward, its jaws clamping down on the head of the cameraman beside me. The sight of his demise filled me with a mixture of dread and desperation, urging me to flee from the scene before me.

With a sense of urgency, I turned to run, only to be halted in my tracks by an imposing figure—the big skibidi toilet. It stood before me like a sentinel of death, its presence a chilling reminder of the danger that lurked in every corner of this twisted world.

But just as it moved to strike, a flash of red light pierced the air, slicing through the skibidi toilet's head with deadly precision. In an instant, the creature fell, its lifeless form crashing to the ground in a heap of twisted metal and circuitry.

As I surveyed the scene before me, I realized that every single toilet had met the same fate—struck down by an unseen force. And amidst the chaos, I spotted someone who bore a striking resemblance to myself, his presence a harbinger of both hope and uncertainty.

**Brown POV:**

Flying through the city, I witnessed a scene eerily similar to one I had encountered in the past. Without hesitation, I descended upon the skibidi toilets, my movements swift and precise as I dispatched them with ease. In a matter of seconds, the threat had been neutralized, leaving nothing but silence in its wake.

But as I surveyed the aftermath of my actions, I spotted a familiar figure—my past self, on the brink of succumbing to the relentless assault of the skibidi toilets. Without hesitation, I intervened, striking down the creature threatening my past self with ruthless efficiency.

As the last skibidi toilet fell, I felt a sense of emptiness wash over me, the weight of my actions heavy upon my conscience. But there was no time for remorse, no room for sentimentality. The battle against the skibidi toilets raged on, and I would not rest until every last one had been vanquished.

With a sense of determination burning in my circuits, I prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For in this war between man and machine, victory was the only option.

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