chapter 4: shoppin 'n' workin.

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oh my gawd holy shit! its chapter 4 like agent 4 because the number is 4!!!

btw agent 4 is underrated.

y/n pov:

yet again he wakes up feeling energized and well rested. the sun was shining through the window letting him know it was time to get his sleepy ass up.

y/n: ahhh what a BEAUTIFUL da- AHHH!

he was startled because for some reason marina was sitting at the edge of his bed just staring at him.

marina: s-sorry!  i just w-wanted to tell you that me and pearl are m-making breakfast downstairs!

y/n: oh... ok, but you could've also just woken me up instead of staring at me while i sleep.

marina: u-umm w-well i needed t-to see how a human w-wakes up naturally f-for uhhh research purposes! And I was also wondering, did you sleep well?

Y/n: absolutely! These beds are hella comfortable!

Marina: well that's nice to hear.

She said before getting up and leaving the room.

Y/n:...that was weird.


marina pov:

marina and pearl were downstairs in the kitchen eating their food and after a while they see the man of the hour himself cuming down the stairs.

y/n: yo goodmornin!

pearl: yo y/n! random question, which is better, hot or cold breakfast?

y/n: hmmmm that really depends on the weather, but im just gonna say warm breakfast.

pearl: YES! finally someone who gets me. because marina over here for some reason thinks cold is better.

marina: cold breakfast is just simply better than warm because 1: it takes a lot less time to make 2: there's more variety and 3: it tastes better.

pearl: nah you tripping right now yo!

as the two were arguing he started to make himself some nice warm waffles and once they were done he went to go sit with the other two.

marina: at least he prefers waffles over pancakes.

pearl: you win some you lose some.

marie: this would make for a good splatfest.

y/n: so whats's the plan for today?

marina: me and pearl are gonna be working all day so if you want we can drive you to inkopolis square so you can go explore the city.

y/n: sure it would be better than just staying around here all day.


the three of y'all have just arrived back at inkopolis square.

marina: before we go, remember to buy a phone.

pearl: and also some better clothes because no offense, you do NOT have any drip right now.

y/n: excuse me? i look fabulous!

marina: but you could look better.

pearl: here's a buncha money! now go buy some actually good looking clothes and more importantly, a phone.

she said while giving him a fat stack of money, which he put in his pocket.

y/n: yes ma'ams! 

he jokingly salutes, making them both chuckle a lil bit

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