Ch 4: Meeting A Pasta

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07:15 am. Solitude no more! They finally get to go back to school and study like a normal student! Hurray! It would be nice to see your club argue over my existence. Yeah, and the fact their appearance has changed slightly. They had gotten taller, no doubt reaching 6 feet when they were 5 foot 9 inches last, they checked. It also looked like the blood was drained out of their skin considering how pale they were. Doctors would be concerned if they saw them. Their hair, although already black, somehow turned darker like a black hole sucked out all the light. Their eyes didn't changed, they were still (E/C), but their bone structure, muscles and organs have changed. If doctors were concerned about the pale skin, they would freak out and probably send them off to a lab or something.

But anyways, time for school. They locked the door and made sure their bag was secure on their back, it makes them wonder though, how do the tendrils come out of the skin and not wreck the clothes on top? Magic. Oh har har, but seriously how. It's best to leave that one unexplained. If he says so. The walk to the bus stop was mostly uneventful, waving to random strangers, trying to avoid the children's ball area and mostly trying not to slip on the ice. Uneventful. The bus ride did allow Slender to see more of the area though, so that's a plus.

By the time (Y/N) got to school and into form, they had been questioned and assured over 20 times about their health and parents. Hailey was very amused at the expression they were making. Over the past month, when Hailey got off school, they set to work helping her get used to the powers and getting used to their own. They could still feel a connection to the forest abilities, but it was practicing Slender's powers that they trying to master. Apparently Slender never really used the abilities all that much and mostly relied on his own abilities, but they were the opposite seeing as they had no abilities of their own before the forest abilities.

Surprisingly, art wasn't too bad with how the teacher was trying to give them space in case they were still sensitive about everything. At least they had the first half of their portfolio done and dusted and didn't have to rush to complete it like some of the other students. When they got the club, it was eerily silent. (Y/N) entered and found the club huddled around the room's main computer. "Hey, what's going on here?" They asked the group; Hailey popped her head up and waved them over. On the computer was a picture of a person spotted crouching on a roof wearing a striped sleeve zip up hoodie with a mask and goggles. Tobias Rogers? Toby?

They looked into Hailey's eyes and nodded, letting the group examine the picture for now, but soon it'll be gone. They'll make sure of it. Tobias may not be a part of the Creepypastas anymore but he's still an ally. The picture will be deleted from all devices in 5 minutes. They're sure of it. Why? Because Ben rarely gets off the internet and devices in general, so they know he'll spot it quickly. Toby... it's strange that he's here, why? The others back at the mansion may have called on him seeing as they need to protect the forest whilst we're not there. That could be.

You could tell when the picture vanished as the group broke the silence by yelling and whining. At least their attention was back to finishing the last details for the play. The club still needed to practice but for now, they're trying for the most detailed award of trying to look perfect. It didn't seem (Y/N) had anymore classes after lunch, so they just went home, trying to ignore classmates stares and pity. Halfway to home, after hopping off the bus, they could feel someone's eyes watching them. It's got to be Toby, there's a faint connection to him that they can feel. The leftover bond from when he was Creepypasta and proxy. Right, that. They'll bring him to the forest after leaving their bag off and changing into something more comfortable.

Toby didn't enter their home but stalked them to forest, trying to hide in the branches. To be fair, they wouldn't have noticed him if they didn't have Slender with them so props to him. They led him to a dense part, idly stretching before shooting a tendril at him, grabbing him and slamming him up against a tree. He struggled to escape, almost chopping the tendril off with his axe but they used another tendril to hold his arm against the tree too. They were about to make a speech about stranger danger but Slender cut them off by talking through them "Tobias, why have you come here?" He gasped, accidentally letting go of his axe which scratched one of the tendrils causing them to wince.

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