Would they post you?

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Your first thought would be of course not, you're reported missing!

Oh you're not. You're officially dead, the guys faked your suicide😄 (not so fun fact: Z. planned it. I hc that his family is very famous and his parents were very strict, his dad was an asshole n shi so when he wasn't in the band yet, he planned to fake his suicide and run away. Luckily though, it didn't come to that)

At one interview, a familiar question came: do they have anyone? The answer would always be no since they have to be available 4 the fans and others, but the fact that all the five of them date a girl(who's identity is not revealed, not even that you're officially dead) in the same time? Hold on, that would actually make a good story. And even get them more fame!

So, the agency, manager and other important shit approved. They told the interviewer about a girl, no names said but they made it very obvious: you're dating all five of them.

(Meanwhile you're locked in your room, planning your next escape plan)

After that they confirmed it to pretty much everyone who follows their work, they were confident to post about you. (Without your face or full name mentioned of course, the only thing they let the media know about you is that your name is Y/N)

And when I tell you that the fans went crazy.

Robaire's Insta stories are usually about the band's work and pictures taken of T. and Tae like he's their proud mother, but when he has the chance to make the fans go crazy jealous, he wastes no time posting you on story.

First, he takes those fucking aesthetic pictures of the things he bought you, like perfumes and jewelry, making it obvious that it's for you.

Or painfully handsome pictures of him, looking up at you and kissing your hand. There was one time when the picture was like this, but he was kissing you feet in high heels. (Not in the creepy way, u know what I mean😭 He's romantic like that, it was in a worshipping way)

But him and the boys are human too, they have fun a lot. So when Robaire has such a hangover that's he's not sure if he should call a doctor or a priest, the pictures of him being shirtless and having his arm around you slips up onto stories too.

Tae is a sweetheart, we all know that. So when it comes to the point where his affection and love towards you is too much, people are spammed by his adorable stories about you!!

Such as him kissing your face(sad that he has to cut your face off the picture), holding your hand in the garden, birds and the text: "me n Y/N fr" or taking pictures of you when you're doing something by yourself or with Aaron T.

He's so in love with you, forgive him!!

Jesse has that art school brain set, he's not posting the pic unless it's perfect.

Too bad he can only take good pictures.

Some ppl hc him as a total vegetable amongst the internet, but I don't rlly think that's true. I truly believe that this man can learn anything when he wants to, so it didn't take him long to use mostly anything like Tae or T. would. The absolute fan favorites are the stories where he puts out the ask me a question fidget and he answers those like: 'how are you?' then he responds with a picture of T. building jenga and it's pretty much about to fall on Tae, with the text Shitty but proud

Those dimly lit pictures where your shirt is tucked up while you lay on your stomach and his fingers are on your lower back, in the moment of caressing it. Him being a perfect man(when he's not kidnapping you) never fails to drive his fans crazy. He always smiles when he sees the people explode from jealousy.

Pictures of him painting on your arm!! (And pretty much everywhere else on your body, but your arms is the only thing he lets other people see. You're too perfect and personal for anyone else than him)

You swear you hate him, but when he showed the pictures and the jealous comments under it, you pretty much wanted him to lay you in your grave by himself.

Aaron T. lives for feelings, that's why every one of his stories featuring you has music under it.

The stories are pretty much filled with his love for you and endless mix of emojis, manz head over heels:(

But even though he's on his heel all the time, the most stories put out about you are chill pictures, where he felt like he needed it in his gallery and the whole world to see.

Plus when you're not trying to escape or shake them off, T. loves it when you're behind him, clinging into his shoulder while he's scrolling thru Insta, TikTok or anything else.(which usually happens when you're bored and Z. doesn't let you play the my little pony game on his phone. Asshole.) So sometimes when you do this, he scrolls through the comments whose say: girl got herself a whole harem and me next or what do y'all mean mean she pulled the boys? THE BOYS pulled her. Godness😍 Either making fun of them, or agreeing.

Appreciate the silly selfies with you where he shows everything on you except your face!! He wants to show your beautiful face off, but he can't :(

So when he can't show off his love, he overwhelms you with it. The love overcharge always ends with physical touch or you sitting on his face though, after all a gentleman always offers a seat to a lady(≧◡≦) ♡

Aaron Z. doesn't post much, only reposting the original 4*town page's new post or a picture with T.(who forced Z. to post it). Once when Aaron T. got a haircut with like minus one inch off, Z. took a picture of the poor boy being very proud of it and looking in the mirror, with the text: Did his hairdresser ask for money or forgiveness?

He's also into showing off how much money he spends on you. Like a picture of him with a Victoria's Secret bag in his hands or showing off an expensive ring on your finger, delicately holding your little hand.

Oh and when you left hairs on the wall of his shower, n he gave up trying to read the forbidden message it wrote, so he posted it w It's like I'm living w Chewbacca texted next to it, the fans loved it sm

I almost said I can fix him but he's already perfect🥰

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