Their favorite things abt you

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Robaire likes the way that you stay calm and collected when you can, finding solace in your ability to remain composed even in challenging situations.

He admires your intelligence and resourcefulness, seeing you as a valuable asset to his plans. Additionally, he appreciates your kindness and compassion, which serve as a stark contrast to his obsession with you.

He appreciates the way that you return Tae's kindness and act the way people act towards you, no matter how much you don't want to.

Robaire is charmed by the way you absentmindedly play with your hair when you're lost in thought or feeling nervous. He finds it adorable and often catches himself smiling fondly whenever he notices the gesture.

Tae is enamored with your sweetness and innocence he sees in you. He adores your lighthearted nature and finds comfort in your gentle presence.

Tae is captivated by your kindness towards others and is endlessly fascinated by your every action and word. He sees you as his personal ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark and tumultuous world.

He would die to see you smile more than once a day, really. You barely smile around them, they have to be real creative in insulting each other if they want to get a smile out of you. But when they do, Tae feels like the whole mansion was lit up.

Jesse is drawn to your strength and resilience. He admires your determination and independence, seeing you as a worthy challenge to conquer. Despite his possessive and abusive behavior, Jess is inexplicably drawn to your unwavering spirit and refuses to let anyone else have you.

He sees you as his ultimate prize, someone to possess and control at all costs.

He likes it that you never give up, even though he gets closer to his fucking limit everyday because you don't give in.

His favorite little reaction from you is when your eyes widen. He finds it unbelievably cute.

Jesse is also captivated by the way you pout when you're upset or frustrated, finding it both adorable and irresistible. He often finds himself unable to stay mad at you for long when you give him that cute little pout, and he'll do anything to see you smile again. This is actually a good hold on him for you, maybe for manipulating him in some way. Who knows.

Aaron T. is attracted to your charisma and charm. He appreciates your ability to navigate social situations with ease and admires vour quick wit and intelligence.

T. is drawn to your energy and enthusiasm, finding himself drawn to your magnetic personality when you're not trying to be distant from them. He sees you as a future partner in crime, someone who can keep up with his fast-paced lifestyle and add excitement to his days. He just has to keep working on you to achieve that.

He also likes that how fucking unathletic you are. Like when you crouch down and after half a minute you let yourself fall on your ass because your little legs are tired. It makes him value your cuteness and value his own gymnastic experiences.

Aaron Z. is intrigued by your defiance and strength of will. He admires your determination to challenge him and sees you as a worthy opponent.

Despite his abusive tendencies, Z. is drawn to your resilience and your refuses to break under his control. He sees you as a challenge to be conquered, someone who will only become more enticing the more he tries to break you.

And he's kinda into chasing you.

Z. is fixated on your innocent appearance and how easily you can be manipulated with sweet words and gentle gestures. He sees your naivety as a weakness to exploit, relishing in the power he holds over you as he watches you fall deeper under his control.

He also gets off on the way you cling to him when you're feeling scared or insecure, finding it both comforting, satisfying and terrifying. He relishes in the feeling of your small, trembling form pressed against his own, knowing that you belong to him and no one else. That the fact that he hits you the most doesn't matter, you always crawl back to him, finding something comforting in him.

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