111 10 0

Just one more tear to cry
One teardrop from my eye
You better save it for
The middle of the night
When things aren't black and white
Enter, Troubadour
Remember twenty-four?


"Ms. Cho! I'm not sure if I'm doing it right..."

"Let me hear it."

Miyeon was teaching a kid how to play the violin but this isn't her full-time job. She works part time in order to pay for her college tuition as a medical student. She lets the child play, there are a few strained notes that need some work. Miyeon didn't really change but she became all bubbly after dealing with children who are eager to learn her favorite instrument. Despite all the stress from her college, this part-time job really made her enjoy living. With the extra money she has, she rented a small apartment to live in since her college's miles away from her hometown.

"Mhm, okay. Sweetie, you're a bit tense while playing. Why don't you relax a bit?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Cho. I don't want to make you upset." The child frowned.

"Oh no! Here." Miyeon placed her hands on the kid's shoulders and smiled softly.

"Let's do some breathing practices, okay?"

The child nodded.





"Very good, don't pressure yourself. Just enjoy the music. You can do it!" Miyeon assured and gave out a soft smile.

The kid played again, Miyeon's method worked. It sounded better than last time.

"I did it!"

"See? I told you, you can do it!" Miyeon clapped her hands. The child cheered.

"Thank you, Ms. Cho!"

"No problem, sweetie. Now, let's pack your things up. Your Mommy's coming to pick you up!"

The child nodded and fixed her instrument inside its bag. Miyeon smiled, helping the kid pack her things.

"Ms. Cho, can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?" Miyeon answered sweetly.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Miyeon was shocked by the question.

"Why'd you ask that?"

"My brother seems to have a crush on you." The kid giggled.

"Oh really?" Miyeon chuckled.

"Yeah! He likes you a lot."

"That's sweet, Chaesoo." Miyeon laughed.

"Do you like him back?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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