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[CAFETERIA ; 11:30 AM]

"Finally, it's over!" Shuhua sighed and sat down on one of the chairs.

"The finals was so hard, can you believe that?! You know, when I was answering our math exam, I have second thoughts that I would graduate or not." Shuhua laughed.

"It's not that hard if you studied." Soojin ruffled Shuhua's hair and chuckled.

"How about you, Miyeon? How was the exam?" Soojin turned to face Miyeon, the girl seems to be buried with her thoughts.

"Miyeon." Soojin repeated.

"Oh. What is it?" Miyeon snapped.

"I said how was your exam?"

"It's alright. I think I made it half way."

"Half way? Girl you always ace the exams, theres no way you're only getting half of it." Shuhua was in disbelief.

Miyeon chuckled. "I didn't study well."

The couple was silent. They knew Miyeon was going through a lot.

Soojin sighed. "I'm sure you'll be fine." She smiled and placed her hand on Miyeon's shoulder.

"Thanks, you guys have put a lot on work for me ever since it happened."

"There's no need to thank us. Come on, we're like the bestest friends!" Shuhua grinned.

"I agree, we can't leave you behind."

The couple hugged the older girl, Miyeon was touched how her friends truly care about her.


"You wanted to see me, Mr. Han?" Miyeon peeked on the door.

"Ah yes, Ms. Cho. Come in."

Miyeon went inside the room and closed the door. She sat down in front of Mr. Han, she was expecting Mr. Han was going to tell her about her grades.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" Miyeon asked.

Mr. Han was silently looking at Miyeon, holding checked papers. Miyeon was starting to feel scared.

"How are you and Nicha?" Mr. Han asked. Miyeon was surprised that he asked that. She went silent again, she doesn't know what to answer.

"If you're worried about your grades, there's nothing to worry about." Mr. Han takes off his glasses.

"What I am worried about is Nicha." He added.

"Why? Did she fail?" She asked, worried.

"No, not at all."

"Then why?"

"I've noticed that the two of you were very distant now. Unlike before, you were inseparable."

"Let's just say that things didn't work out between us." Miyeon sadly chuckled.

"I know what happened, Miyeon. I view you as if you're my daughter."

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