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[LOCKERS ; 10:20 AM]

Miyeon was once again fixing and organizing her stuff in her locker, deep in her thoughts. She hasn't seen Minnie since yesterday which made her miss the Thai. She shook her head and closed the locker to go to her next class.

"Off to your next class?" A voice said.

Miyeon didn't want to answer because she doesn't want to make herself embarrassed, she turned around and she saw Jaehyun. The boy is leaning on one of the lockers, smiling at the girl.

"Who? Me?" She asked.

"Am I talking to anyone right now? Of course you're the one I'm talking to." Jaehyun laughed.

"Oh..." Miyeon chuckled. "Yeah, I'm off to Mr. Han's room."

"Let me go with you."


"Because I want to."

Miyeon furrowed her eyebrows. What does he want now?

"You don't have to." She waved her hand.

"Let's go." Jaehyun walked towards the girl and grabbed her bag. Miyeon was shocked by Jaehyun.

"I can carry it myself." Miyeon tried getting her bag.

"With this heavy thing?" Jaehyun laughed.

"I carry it around." Miyeon scoffed.

"I'll carry it from now on." Jaehyun smiled and walked faster.

"Yah! Wait!" Miyeon caught up to Jaehyun, man this guy walks fast. They both arrived at the classroom, no one is still around.

"See, now you're not late." Jaehyun faced Miyeon.

"Wait, how did you know I'm always late?" Miyeon furrowed her eyebrows again.

"Eunwoo told me." Jaehyun smiled. "Here. Have fun in class." Jaehyun gave Miyeon her bag and waved goodbye before running off.

Miyeon sighed. "This dude. Is he even for real?!" She thought. She shook her head and went into class.

[CAFETERIA ; 12:00 PM]

"So someone's after Miyeon?" Minnie said, swirling her fork on her pasta.

"Seems like it. Who would ask someone out on the dance if they're not interested in them." Yuqi shrugged.

"Yah, Bambam asked me out so he could dance with his boyfriend." Minnie chuckled.

"But this is a different situation. That Jaehyun dude is a playboy from what I heard. Miyeon could be in bad hands if she accepted that douche." Yuqi said, sipping on her juice.

"What should I do then? I can't just ask her out!"

"I'll keep an eye on them during the event and you should too." Yuqi slammed her fist against the table.

"Are you sure he's that bad?" Minnie raised a brow looking at her phone. She was searching for information about Jaehyun on social media.

My Dahlia (MIMIN AU)Where stories live. Discover now