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[CAFETERIA ; 12:00 PM]

Miyeon was eating alone since everyone had other plans. She's listening to music as she eats, enjoying her own company.

"Is this seat taken?" Someone said. Miyeon didn't hear it because of the loud music. The person removed one ear piece from Miyeon's ear which caught the girl's attention.

"Hmm?" Miyeon hummed and turned.

"I said is this seat is taken." Jaehyun smiled.

"Ah... No." Miyeon shook her head.

"Mind if I take a seat?"

"Sure, suit yourself."

Jaehyun sat in front of Miyeon, placing down his bag and the food he's carrying.

"So where are your friends? You always eat with them." Jaehyun asked, resting his arms on the table.

"They have things to do." Miyeon answered.

Jaehyun hummed, looking around the cafeteria thinking of another conversation starter.

"How about you?" Miyeon broke the silence.

"Oh, they're sitting over there. I saw you eating alone so I came here." Jaehyun smiled.

"I enjoy my personal space you know." Miyeon thought to herself.

"You don't have to join me." She said, grabbing a bite on her burrito.

"Nah, I spend too much time with them. Just thought of making new friends around before graduation." Jaehyun waved his hand.

"I see. And I'm one of your list?" Miyeon asked.

"Probably." Jaehyun shrugged and mischievously smiled. "Do you want to be friends?" Jaehyun asked.

"I see no problem with that." Miyeon nodded.

"Great! We're friends now." Jaehyun smiled. "I heard from the other students that you're really smart."

"Rumors." Miyeon chuckled.

"I doubt that. I saw your name on the master's list ever since we were juniors." Jaehyun raised a brow.

"You've been here since we're juniors?" Miyeon asked.

"Yeah, a lot of guys are after you. That's one thing I also noticed."

"I guess so."

"I bet someone else invited you to the dance?"

"Actually, you're the first one to ask." Miyeon laughed.

"I'm bold, I'm taking my chances not to go alone." Jaehyun also laughed.

"I also bet I'm not the only girl you asked." Miyeon scoffed.

"Oh no! I'm not that type of guy." Jaehyun shook his head.

"Really." Miyeon was doubtful.

"Promise." Jaehyun raised his left hand. "Anyway, I also saw you play the violin. You're so talented!" Jaehyun clapped his hands.

My Dahlia (MIMIN AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora