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The chapter contains sensitive topics such as slut shaming and victim blaming. Sensitive words are also included. Viewers' discretion is advised.

[CAFETERIA ; 12:23 PM]

"I'm glad they changed the lunches." Shuhua gladly said, munching on her hasbrowns.

"They probably heard you whining last week." Yuqi laughed. "But yeah, I'm glad they changed it too."

Soojin and Miyeon came to the two girls with their trays and sat down.

"Ah, eonnis! How was school today?" Yuqi asked the two older girls.

"It was alright, although I can't stand Physics." Soojin sighed.

"Yeah, same. I can't stand our English class because of Sana. That girl was so loud." Yuqi scoffed.

"Why?" Miyeon furrowed her eyebrows tot he Chinese girl.

"She kept on talking while I'm trying to listen."

"Wow, since when did you start paying attention in class?" Shuhua teased.

"Excuse me, English is one of my faves." Yuqi rolled her eyes. "Anyway, the girl wouldn't shut up for just a split second."

"Maybe she just wants to talk to you. You know she's very talkative." Miyeon defended.

"Listen. If someone talks to you during a lecture and you don't like them at all, wouldn't you be annoyed too?"

"You don't like Sana?" Miyeon felt offended for some reason because Sana was one of her bestest friend but she couldn't blame Yuqi for her reason.

"Eonnie. I know you two are close but she's acting kinda strange." Yuqi bit her lip, she doesn't want to offend further Miyeon but Sana is getting into her nerves.

"What do you mean?" Miyeon said sternly. The couple watched the two girls exchange their statements.

"Forget it." Yuqi waved her hand. "I'm sorry if that offended you, Miyeon eonnie. I'm just so uncomfortable around her."

Miyeon nodded slowly. "It's okay. We all have our own comfort level, I guess Sana doesn't sit right with you." Miyeon chuckled.

"I thought I was going to be the referee between you two." Shuhua said.

"Mhm, Yuqi would throw hands." Soojin added.

"Yah! I wouldn't hurt Miyeon eonnie for that!" Yuqi defended.

"If it were someone else, the whole cafeteria would be a wrestling match." Shuhua teased and laughed.

"Of course! But I love Miyeon eonni so she's safe." Yuqi smiled.

All of them laughed and continued to eat their lunch. Miyeon realized she hasn't seen Minnie since morning, she looked around but she couldn't find the girl. She wants to know if Minnie's wound is doing okay or not.

"Have you guys seen Minnie? I'm worried about her." Miyeon asked.

"Now that you mentioned it, I haven't seen her yet." Soojin answered.

"She didn't come to school today, she said her knee was hurting every time she walked." Yuqi said.

"Poor Minnie." Shuhua frowned.

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