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ray fanfic -


chapter seven

the group of teens were sitting at the school again, ray playing with the ends of auroras hair like usual.

neither of the two decided to talk about the kiss from the other night and pretended like it never happened.

"two weeks? what the fuck?" ray asked "i know, my parents seen my report card. they were fucking pissed, no car for two weeks" fuckshit explained with annoyance in his tone "might as well cut my dick off" fuckshit finished his sentence making the group slightly chuckle.

"im a junior in high school, it's not like i'm about to get into harvard or some shit" fuckshit ranted on.

"like,my parents did that. they get paid. i get c's and i'm cool with that. that lifes just not mine" fuckshit explained to his friends, aurora looked at her friend with hopeful eyes, she didn't want to see him ruin his life that has so much potential.

"so, what you gonna do?" ray questioned "skate, have fun, go to parties, just live life" fuckshit spoke freely.

"that sounds nice" ray looked over at fuckshit "all that trying hard shit, that shits just corny" fuckshit shook his head "i think that shits corny, im trying to go see shit" ray spoke his truth.

"i dont live in the hood, i got options" fuckshit said "what options you got?" ray asked "im just not trying to take this shit seriously" fuckshit told "well good luck with that, im gonna send you a postcard when im on tour" ray said.

"what about you fourth grade, what do you wanna do?" ray asked "make a movie or something" fourthgrade spoke softly before the boys started to laugh at his reply.

aurora rolled her eyes at her friends stupidity "he think he spielberg or some shit" fuckshit said "ya know, you gotta say words to make movies, i heard you talk like twice"

"stupid idea" fourthgrade looked down at his shoes "yes, it was" fuckshit told him "i dont know, guess i'll just work at the dmv with my dad" he spoke in a hurt voice.

"you guys are some bitches" aurora told her friend group while lifting her body up from the ground "i think you could make a movie, fourthgrade. these idiots dont have a clue in the world" she smiled at her sweet friend which she earned back from him "thank you rora"

aurora skated away from her friends "where you going" ruben called out "skate the gap, try hard and be corny" aurora said

the friend group arrived on top of the schools roof, fourthgrade bent down slightly in the middle of the roof, making sure to have the best angle while recording.

ray went over the gap, running back across, dapping fourthgrade up on the way and then hugging aurora.

"hit it, fuckshit" ruben spoke before fuckshit made it over the schools gap "alright you got it ruben" ray encouraged "yeah" stevie agreed.

everyone could tell how nervous ruben was, he inhaled a deep breath before skating to the edge but then abruptly stopping his board.

"oh, come on. what kind of pussy shit is that?" ray asked, disappointed, aurora slightly hitting his chest. "you got this man" stevie smiled. "shut the fuck up faggot" ruben said in a harsh tone, aurora gently setting her hand on stevies shoulder.

stevie took a deep breath in then started skating towards the gap.

"wait!hey, yo wait, wait, wait, wait!" ray shouted at stevie, auroras eyes widening.

"you're going to slow!" aurora warned "yo, wait, hey!" ray yelled but was interrupted when stevies body collided with the table.

"oh my fucking god" fourthgrade gasped "fuck! shit! hes dead!" fuckshit yelled in shock "is he dead,yo?" ray looked around "what the fuck" aurora muttered before running off the roof, footsteps behind her.

the table that stevies body layed on was approached by his friend group.

"sunburn" fuckshit slowly said while poking him "dont poke him" ray swatted fuckshits hands away "sunburn?" fuckshit asked while stevies eyes fluttered open "you okay?" he added onto his sentence.

"hell yeah" stevie mumbled while sitting up "fuck!shit!" fuckshit said as the group watched blood flow from stevies head.

"oh, fuck" ray mumbled "hey, take your shirt off, you're bleeding" ray told stevie "here, lift your arms" fuckshit told stevie before helping him, fuckshit wrapped stevies shirt around his head.

"fuck, you okay" ray asked "yeah, yeah, im fine" stevie reassured "yo, sunburn is fucking insane" ray laughed "fuck yeah" fuckshit agreed "what the fuck, dude just fell off of a roof" ray said "sunburn" fuckshit said in funny tone which made aurora and ray laugh.

"hes bleeding through that one" aurora pointed out, grabbing her friends attention "oh shit, he is" ray observed the shirt being bled through, ray looked over to ruben "take your shirt off"

"fuck no, this is my favorite shirt" ruben argued "take the fucking shirt off" ray spoke loudly, ruben stood still.

aurora sighed at her friend's annoying actions before taking off the baggy shirt she had on, luckily she wore a pink cami top under.

she handed the shirt to ray before smiling at ruben "thanks rora" ruben muttered "you crazy" fuckshit told stevie which made him smile "hey,take that off" fuckshit spoke while taking the shirt off of stevies head before helping him put auroras tee shirt around his head.

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