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ray fanfic -


chapter five

aurora was the first to wake up, she carefully left the bed, looking over to Ray. aurora smiled to herself before getting an outfit and walking to her bathroom.

aurora decided on low rise flare jeans and a black cami top. she walked back into her room to see Ray awake, wearing his clothes from yesterday. "Good morning Ray" She smiled to him. He pulled her in for a hug before speaking. "Good morning" He said back in a raspy voice.

"I have more of Fabios clothes if you want to change?" aurora shrugged. "Yeah sure" Ray nodded, not really wanting to wear the same clothes from the day before. aurora found a pair of light green camo pants and a black tee that was definitely Fabios. She handed them to Ray before speaking. "You can keep them, i won't need them" Aurora said, making Ray nod. "Thank you Richie" Ray said with a small smile, walking to the bathroom.

As Richie waited for Ray she decided to put on shoes, pink converse. Ray came back and the two decided to head to the shop.

They grabbed their things and left the house, Aisha no where to be seen, hopefully at work and not running the streets.

They skated to the shop in silence, comfortable silence.

Once the two made it to the familiar shop Ray unlocked the door and the two walked into the cold shop, Richie sitting on the couch, Ray sitting next to her.

The rest of the friend group came in and sat in their usual spots.

Everyone was making small talk and messing around until they heard the bell ring.

Stevie walked into the shop with a smile on his face, his hand clutching onto cash and the other holding his skateboard. Stevie walked over to Ruben. "I have the money!" He exclaimed in happiness, making ruben develop a sly smirk on his face.

"Fuck yeah!" Ruben exclaimed with a smile before going behind the counter. Meanwhile, Ray, Fuckshit, and Richie were talking, Fourthgrade fidgeting with his camera, talking now and then.

Ruben handed his old board to Stevie before grabbing a new black one, with a large yellow m in the middle of it. "Sick" Ruben muttered under his breath

The two small boys walked back over to the couches, sitting down in whichever spots were open.

Everyone was silently watching whatever was on the tv or just doing their own thing. Fuckshit laughed loudly before speaking. "I don't understand this shit." He said with a giggle, everyone's attention now on him. "why do they say mexicans are lazy?" He asked everyone before turning his gaze to Ruben. "why the fuck you lookin at me for?" Ruben asked in between small giggles.

"do people say that shit or something?" Ruben asked, "i heard that shit but it don't make sense to me.. like every time i see a Mexican them motherfuckers is building buildings n shit"  Fuckshit shrugged making Richie laugh.

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