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ray fanfic -


chapter four

Richie landed a trick and looked up at Ray before she felt the ground hit her back. "bitch" she muttered. She heard Fuckshits laugh before he spoke. "Shit, you good?" he asked, still skating. "never been better" she smiled before Ray stuck his hand out, helping the girl up.

Ray and Fuckshit laughed, "i got that on camera" Fourthgrade laughed. Richie rolled her eyes jokingly and got back on her board. The back door opened, revealing the boy from yesterday, he sat on the floor, watching everyone. Ray, Fuckshit, and Richie skated while Fourthgrade filmed them. Ruben skated over to the boy, grabbing the water jug that was on the floor.

Ruben took a sip from it before he started talking. "i've been skating like shit today man." he sighed, the boy looked up at him. "it looks good to me" he smiled.

"I'm ruben" Ruben introduced, doing a handshake with the small boy. "I'm stevie" He replied. Ray skated over to the two. "Lemme get some water" He said before Ruben threw the jug at Ray. Ray looked at the jug and shook it before looking back up at the two kids. "damn you really gonna drink all of it? fill that shit up man" He spoke, throwing the jug back at Ruben.

Ruben sighed, looking back down at Stevie. "Yo stevie, go fill this up man" he ordered. Ruben watched as a large smile spread across his face "yea!" he said getting up and taking the jug into the shop to fill up the jug.

he returned a minute later and happily gave ray the jug. "thanks little man" stevie simply laughed before sitting back down on the floor, meanwhile Ray took a chug from the water.

"Refreshing" Ray said before getting on his board, skating away. Ruben also leaving to skate, Stevie simply watched them all.

He looked over to the only girl in the group. She and Ray playing around with big smiles on their faces.

Everyone was tired after a while so they all went back into the shop, Fuckshit going to help a customer, Ray going to add more stickers to the display case, Richie sat on the couch next to Ruben, Stevie across from them, Fourthgrade fucking around in front of the shop.

Ruben lit a cigarette, taking a hit and passing the pack with the lighter to Stevie. Stevie grabbed a cigarette and lit it, inhaling the nicotine and immediately started coughing. Richie watched them. "shit this is relaxing" Ruben nodded. "you smoke?" he asked Stevie. "yeah, these are just a different brand" Stevie lied. "Thank you" Stevie said to Ruben. "What are you gay?" Ruben harshly asked. Stevie was confused. "what?" he asked. "Why are you thanking me? don't fucking thank people man thats faggot as fuck bro." He explained making Richie roll her eyes. "oh im sorry, i didn't know that" stevie apologized making Ruben speak again. "its fine, just dont thank people. they're gonna think you're gay" Ruben explained again, Richie scoffed at his sentence. "oh i wont do it again." Stevie said, shaking his head. "yea, you pay attention to me man, im a fucking badass you're a little ass kid, you should look up to me. i smoke, i skate, i fuck bitches, im pretty much the shit. im living the life" he said, stevie replying with a "dang".

Richie started laughing her ass off. "Ruben, i've known you for a while now and i've never seen you speak to a girl" She laughed, making Ray laugh as well. Ruben glared at the naturally curly headed girl before talking to Stevie again. "See all you have is a fucking dinosaur board. That shit is 80s as fuck. its got a neon dinosaur on it screaming calabunga. you look retarded. you gotta get a new fucking board man" He spoke making Stevie look down at the floor.

"how much are they?" Stevie asked, looking back up at Ruben. "I don't know, probably like 120 for a complete." Ruben shrugged, making Stevie sigh. "i'll sell you my used set up for 40 though" Ruben shrugged. "it's a good ass deal for you" Ruben nodded. "wait don't you need your board?" Stevie asked. Ruben shook his head. "i'm saving for a new motor board" he said. Stevie smiled before speaking again, "well thanks for sell-see i was about to say thank you but i know how gay that is" he said making ruben roll his eyes. "don't say that either! just say nothing! fuck!" Ruben said making Richie roll her eyes. "Sorry" stevie said before taking another hit of his cigarette. "you're such a fucking little kid. fuck man" he said making Richie scoff. "I bet they're about the same age" She giggled to Ray. "What time is it?" Stevie asked making everyone shrug. "i don't know probably 8" Ruben said making Stevie grab his board. "oh man, i gotta go. You don't have to be home at a certain time?" he asked making Ruben shake his head. "uh no i always go home when my moms asleep." he explained, looking down.

"see you tomorrow?" Ruben asked, breaking the silence after his last sentence. "yea." Stevie nodded. "with 40 bucks?" Ruben questioned, making Stevie shrug "maybe" he mumbled. "its a fucking good deal!" Ruben exclaimed. "i gotta go but i will!" stevie said as he ran to the door, just before Fourthgrade walked in. "alright, you better have 40 tomorrow. fucking idiot" Ruben said to the boy. "yo im boutta bounce, so if any of y'all need a ride home lets go" Fuckshit spoke, grabbing his board.

Everyone left the shop, waiting for Ray to lock the door. As everyone was walking to the car, Richie leaned over to Ray. "Sleepover?" She smiled. He looked down at her. "Of course" They both smiled getting into the car.

Richie was the first to be dropped off, like usual. Everyone was a bit surprised when Ray also got out but they shrugged it off.

Richie opened the door to see her mom sleeping on the couch. The two walked up the steps to her room, shutting the door.

"You want a pajamas?" She asked, setting her things down. "uh, sure" Ray smiled, sitting on the bed. Richie opened her closet and grabbed a pair of sweatpants, Fabios. She handed them to Ray and he walked to the bathroom.

Ray came back and the two just decided to watch a movie and go to sleep, so thats what they did.

guys stevie is hereeee

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