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ray fanfic -


chapter one

Aurora Anderson, a young teen who looked forward to many things, she was a smart girl who was sweet to anyone shes ever spoken too. She had a passion for skating and animals, very simple. Aurora grew up in sunny arizona, she loved it there, she lived with her mother, father, and her twin brother. Rora and Fabio were inseparable, unlike most siblings. Fabio taught his sister how to skate since he fell in love with it a year before she did. She wasn't to interested of skating until Fabio had passed, she wanted to do it just for him, He wanted to go pro but his dreams were cut short, so Aurora took that place. Her father left after Fabio passed. Aisha tried her hardest to care for both of them and she did well for a while until she met a man which turned her into a nightmare. She would leave with him and aurora would sit at home alone and hungry. Her mothers boyfriend soon left her and she realized she needed to get her life straight for her and her daughters sake, so, california they headed.

Aurora stuck her hand out the window, passing people on the busy streets. They passed a store that Aurora made a mental note to stop at, Motorz, she saw a group of boys sitting outside with their skateboards, some of them sitting, some of them skating. She smiled to herself knowing she would have to become friends with them.

Aurora and her mother, Aisha, made it to their new home. A white home with big windows and a long driveway, auroras grandmother payed for the home, considering this change was all for granddaughter and her well being.

"Isn't it beautiful here?" Aisha asked her daughter as she exited the car. "Yeah, i love it" Aurora smiled, grabbing her boxes from the car.

Aurora opened the front doors to her new home. Aurora explored the home, obviously fully furnished, thanks to her grandmother. The door opened to a wide living room, a kitchen to the left of it and a stairway to the right, the teen girl bounced up the stairs and was met with 4 doors, opening them all and searching them, she found her mothers room, a guest room, her room, and a bathroom. Aurora set her boxes down in her room and opened them with a pocket knife she had in her back pocket. she set the knife down next to her and pried open the flaps to the box. Her clothes being revealed to her. Aurora opened the rest of her boxes and soon enough they were empty. Her room was decorated just how she liked it.

Aurora hopped down the steps with her beat up board, which used to be Fabios and a jansport backpack on her back.

She spotted her mother on the living room sofa, watching a show with a blanket wrapped around her body.

"mom, I'm going out" Aurora spoke before turning on her heel, headed to the front door.

Once she was out of her home, she dropped down her board and hopped on before skating to where she saw the shop earlier , motorz.

The warm california air made her hair blow back. The girl was thankful she had been wearing white cami top with low rise blue jeans.

Once she spotted the shop she hopped off her board and grabbed it.

A bell signaling someone had entered the shop. It had smelt of weed and air freshener. The air freshener trying to cover the scent of cannabis but obviously failing.

A boy with dreads swung around the counter to help the customer.

Before anyone could say anything a boy with gorgeous hair spoke up.

"damn! what is a pretty girl like you in here for?" He asked with a sly grin. That sentence made his friends turn their heads to the girl and then back at him.

"Nothing to due with you." Aurora sassed with the same grin, she was just making a snarky comeback.

There was two couches and a coffee table with a tv sitting on it. Three boys filled the seats of the couches.

A dark skinned boy with dreads spoke up after his friends laughed at her remark.

"What can i do for ya?" He questioned. "Tell me where the nearest ice cream shop is?" She looked at him with a hopeful grin.

The blonde curly headed boy replied before the dread head spoke.

"Why don't we take you?" He questioned before rising up from the couch, the two others followed.

Everyone grabbed their boards and headed out. Aurora following the mindless teens, not even knowing their names.

They made it and everyone ordered. They sat a table outside the shop.

"So, whats your name?" The buzz headed boy asked. "aurora" She smiled. Before anyone could reply, they received their orders. "like the princess" one of them smiled.

"I'm Ruben" The buzz headed kid spoke, dapping her up from across the table. "I'm Ray" The dread head introduced. "I'm Fuckshit" The blonde curly head spoke with a sly smirk. "Fourth grade" The lanky boy said, obviously shy.

"How long u been skatin?" Fuckshit asked aurora. " eleven years" she grinned. Everyone was shook by that response. They've never met anyone whose skated for so long.

"Damn, who taught you?" Ruben asked. "My brother" aurora replied, immediately looking down. "Oh shit, you gotta brother? where he at?" Fuckshit asked, standing up. "He passed a while ago" aurora spoke, her voice cracking. Everyone stood up.  "Shit, i'm sorry Aurora " Ray apologized before hugging the girl.

Everyone skated back to the shop. It was now late out and Fuckshit decided to take everyone home. Aurora being first.

"Ight, bye everyone" She smiled, leaving the car. "Bye rora!" Ray yelled before Fuckshit sped off.

she smiled to herself before walking into her house

rip fabio he woulda ate this fic up

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