I kiss her slowly but deeply, sliding my tongue against hers as my hand wanders its way along one of her legs wrapped around my hips. I keep myself balanced with a hand behind her head against the couch cushion. She inhales deeply, humming a little more which I think is her way at hinting me to go on. It usually is her way of hinting when we're like this. If she doesn't do it herself, she hums or moans encouragingly.

Turns out though, she's having a battle with herself. I end up becoming a casualty. Because while she hums encouragingly, somewhere deep down she decides she doesn't actually want me to go on. Which is fine—she can change her mind midway through and just decide she doesn't want to anymore. It still catches me off guard though when she suddenly hums sharply, as if I scared her somehow. She pushes at my chest and turns her head away. I'm quick to get off of her, sitting up on my knees with wide eyes. "Wait, wait," She pleads.

"Sorry." I blurt out quick.

She either ignores me or doesn't hear me. "We have to talk."

My shoulders slowly sink at that. It's, like, the last sentence spoken before something good dies. And in this case, something really good. I mean, this has all been great. I thought so, at least. But there's apparently a reason here that I've been missing.

The fact that I missed it is probably a reason in itself. That's usually a contributing factor.

She takes a breath and starts sitting up against the armrest of the couch. I slowly relax back to sit normally, folding a leg under me so I can still face her comfortably. I swallow thickly, watching her quietly and anxiously. "Okay..." I awkwardly accept after a while, like maybe that's what she's waiting for.

Whether she was waiting for me to acknowledge her or not, I don't know. She continues after I do though. "Um...so, I haven't rehearsed this...so just bear with me."

"Are you gonna try to break up with me?"

She blinks. "What?"

"Because if you are, I have to warn you that I will have to insist on staying together since you and Cameron live here with me now." I'm quick to warn. "Also, I love you guys." I add, hoping that still means something to her.

She smiles this beautiful involuntary smile. It takes her a second to realize that she's smiling at me, and she dips her chin to look down at her lap to hide it. "I'm not." She assures first and foremost. I still watch her cautiously. "I'm, um..." She sighs deeply and stares at her lap as if she's ashamed of something. "I'm pregnant."

I stare blankly for a few seconds. She reluctantly lifts her eyes to peek at me. My eyes slowly begin to narrow skeptically.

"You sure your period isn't just late?"

It's possible. It's happened, and it was depressing as shit. Especially since I figured I had her locked down in my life guaranteed for another eighteen years on top of the ten I've already collected. But also because I had already thought about what it'd be like to see her belly grow and all that jazz. I got attached to the idea quick.

She shakes her head quick. "It's been, like, weeks."

I cock my head back. "How many?"

She shrugs simply.


She squints at the ceiling for a moment. "Um...at least a month." She mumbles thoughtfully.

A Missed OpportunityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz