Chapter Six

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And with this announcement the hall was filled with raucous applause and cheers, something Y/n could not bring herself to participate in, a bad feeling began settling in her stomach. Something was wrong.

Dumbledore approached the blue flames, and all of a sudden the flames turned red and spit a piece of paper out. Dumbledore caught the paper and read,

"The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!"

The applause were deafening, especially coming from the blond boy behind her. His love for Krum was clearly shared, and she knew that he would be rooting for him. Draco leaned forward and whispered in Y/n's ear,

"I bet he won't lose this time, Merlin."

Even over the volume of the crowd, Y/n could still hear the smirk in Draco's voice. The feeling of his mouth so close to her ear sent chills down her arms and a blush to her face. She was glad that she was turned away from him at that moment.

The flames turned red again and spit out another piece of paper. Dumbledore caught it and read,

"The champion from Beauxbaton's is... Fleur Delacour!"

More applause rang out through the Great Hall, showing the crowd's support for the girl. Fleur made her way up to the head table and through a door to the side, something Y/n had never noticed before.

For the last time, the flames turned red and a piece of paper was spit out. Dumbledore caught this one too, and began,

"The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!"

The cheering was somehow even louder than before. She found herself giving the boy light applause, though she had never met him before. Dumbledore spoke over the crowd,

"Excellent! We now have our three champions! But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the tri-wizard cup!"

As Dumbledore motioned to the Goblet, the flames that had turned back to blue, sparked red again, matching the fearful red eyes staring at it. The feeling of unease that Y/n had in her gut since the start of the ceremony was amplified as she waited in anticipation to see what was happening.

Dumbledore watched a piece of paper fall to the floor. He quickly picked up the parchment, and his eyes went wide at what was written on it. He whispered,

"Harry Potter," His confusion turned to anger, "Harry Potter!"

Y/n's heart dropped. That isn't possible.

She watched as he slowly stood up and made his way towards Dumbledore. Confusion and fear were written all over his face. Y/n could do nothing but watch. She feared for the boy. She feared that he did not actually put his name in. Something inside of her sparked, a memory from the previous night before...


Y/n was asleep. The dreams she often got were no different tonight, they were relentless. This time it was a little too real. She dreamt of a figure, wandering the halls of Hogwarts. Clad with a long, black cloak, which prevented her from seeing their features. They walked with a limp. Were they injured?

They seemed to be wandering, but their steps were purposeful. No, they were not wandering, they knew where they were going. And soon, their steps led them to the Great Hall. The doors were shut, as it was the middle of the night.

Y/n followed behind him, but it was as if she was floating. She loomed above the figure. Before she could catch a glimpse of their face, the cloaked person quietly opened the large doors and limped into the hall. The doors were closing quietly behind the person, but it was as if Y/n was being pulled by some force. She unwillingly followed the person into the hall and watched as they came to a stop in front of the Goblet of Fire.

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