And His Name Was Jasper Kryx

Start from the beginning

"So I should wear my suit."

Shinya rolled his eyes. "Obviously."

"Don't give me attitude, Del told me you like me, no point pretending you don't."

Shinya slowly turned to glare at Del. "You told him?!"

Del grinned. "Anyway. Jimin, once you dock with the Legacy, you should go in hauling whatever weapons you got. Expect heavy resistance from those bots. GalBank uses the best of the best, so if you can avoid them completely, that may be for the best. They aren't simple VAS units, they're military-grade tanks. Those bitches were used in the Colony War."

Well, Jimin's powers would come in handy.

"Got it. I should get going, then. I'll see you on the other side, Del."

"Hey, what about me?" Hoseok asked with an offended scowl.

Jimin winked. "I'll see you in my dreams, pretty boy."

Without another word, he walked off and went to his ship, which now had the ComSpike and Conduction Grid attached. Y/n was in the cockpit running final tests when he approached.

"Everything looks good, even the Grid. I think we got this. You want to send a message to our friends?" she asked, strapping into her seat.

He did the same. "Yeah, I'll record and send now."

That was what he did. Y/n plugged in the coordinates and undocked from the Key while Jimin sent his message to Yoongi. It was in code on the off chance the pirates had installed any hidden mics or cameras to discover if he was a traitor. He spoke like he was speaking to Constellation instead of the UC, and when he was done, he sent the message and prepared to go to Bannoc-IV.

"Coordinates loaded and I have a read on the Legacy's location. We'll jump only five hundred meters away from the Legacy. Are you ready?" Y/n asked, and her voice was calming. Though she wasn't stroking his hair or letting him drool on her chest like she did when they slept together, her words were just as calming as those events. So, he nodded.


Y/n flipped several switches, and soon enough, space began to melt in front of his very eyes as the light and color of the grav drive embraced him. The ship rattled and shouted out until the jump commenced. Jimin shut his eyes and bit his tongue, his hands squeezing the arm rests and his legs pressed against the co-pilot's seat. The rattle stopped shortly after it began, but it was replaced by occasional rumbles that shook the entire body of his precious ship.

"Jimin, we made it. In one piece."

Jimin snapped his eyes open and saw a field of a murky orangish-red color. The foggy field was so thick he couldn't see any stars. Lightning strikes that made no sounds due to the vacuum of space struck the hull, and the Conduction Grid absorbed each bolt to convert it into energy. Still, the intensity of the EM field harmed their shields. They had plenty of time to get out before the shields broke, but not forever. Jimin had to be fast.

Y/n flew them through the field. There was no debris like asteroids or destroyed ships, which was a good sign. The Legacy was up ahead. Though Jimin couldn't see it, the radar pinged and displayed how close they were. 500 meters, just as Y/n had said.

Jimin gazed at the flashing orange and red light that awaited him in the void of space. The fog of the EM field dominated everything, including Bannoc-IV. Jimin had no visual of it. Considering it was a Gas Giant the size of a sun, not being able to see it was concerning to say the least. The most he could see were the milky white rings that stretched out wider than anything Jimin had seen.

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