~"Ill fucking kill you"~

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☆Chapter #18☆

~Once you both cleaned yourselves up you walked out to see the chaos unsupervised child were making.


☆Y/n's pov☆

You eyes darted onto a table where 5 kids sat, they loudly talked with each other they're laughs and high pitched voices sent a shiver through your body, William looked over at you with a dark smirk, "relax, love things will get messy soon" he whispered resting his arm on your shoulder, you took a deep breath in as all the noise crashed through your mind.

"Hey, Woman help me out over here will ya?" Steve's voice made you want to throw up as he motioned for you to help him with something, your expression was blank and cold as you looked at him and started to walk over to him but William grabbed your hand glaring over at Steve "let me help him" William's voice was rough and menacing "no I'm fine and if you go you'll just kill him instantly" you said to him quietly and kissing his hand "ugh, fine but if he touches even a hair on you he dies i don't care if there's families watching" his words were like poison, "dont worry about me, darling" you gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek then walked over to Steve who was standing infront of the janitors closet.

"What the hell do you want?" You asked slightly annoyed, "you~" Steve said eyeing you and smirking, "dont make me fire you on the first day, Steve" you said glaring daggers at him, "wow girl easy im just teasin ya" he said chuckling but still looking you up and down, "I cant seem to find the keys for this door and was wondering if you could help me" a annoyed sigh left your lips, you were trying everything in your power not to kill Steve right then and there but the happy and innocent children kept you from doing so you couldn't just traumatize them like that.

"Follow me" you said through gritted teeth and walking over to the dimly lit hallway "alright, Y/n" he said smirking "dont call me that I'm your boss" you said angrily as you both walked, he just chuckled and rolled his eyes, cocky bitch.

You and Steve looked through some of the drawers and filling cabinets in William's office, you knew you had to be careful about searching through them with Steve there was still a lot of hidden secrets in this room no one needs to know, you were looking through one of the cabinets when you felt a hand brush against you hip, your head snapped to look at Steve close behind you, "back the fuck up!" You said sternly and pushing him slightly "oh come on, sweetheart~" Steve smirked "were all alone and im pretty sure no one can hear us" he said walking closer to you "don't bet on it" you said with a glare and patting the side of your leg for your pocket knife but of course the one time you need it its not there.

You mentally cursed yourself as Steve walked closer, "come one lets test that theory, i can make you scream so loud, sugar~" his voice was raspy and deep it sent a chill though your body making you almost want to gag "take another step and ill fucking kill you" you growled as your fists balled tightly "tsk,tsk threatening your employees now are we?" His hand went to touch your hips again "and your a woman why should I be scared of you~" he sounded amused it made your blood boil with rage, "come on, sugar smile for me will ya" he forced you to look up at him with his hand on your chin.

Your thoughts started to drive you crazy.

"kill him"

"no dont kill him yet"

"just do it"

"no dont"


Your breathing was heavy as you felt your back hit the wall, you wanted to scream but nothing could come out, "come on, baby~ you know you want to give in" Steve's voice interrupted your thoughts, you snapped and punched him in the jaw making him fall back "ugh! You bitch!" He mumbled through the pain rubbing his chin, as you looked down at him with a threatening look you kicked him in the crouch, he groaned loudly as you knelt down "next time I will fucking kill you" you whispered into his ear throwing the janitors closet key onto the ground and walking out of the office slamming the door.

☆William's pov☆

He watched tensly as Y/n talked with Steve, he knew something was up with him and wanted him dead for it, his menacing glare stayed on Steve as he watched them both walk into the hallway.

"Mr. Afton how much am I getting paid for this shit?" Lorry asked in a bored tone and walking over over to him, he signed angrily "you should know this, Lorry its $7 a hour" he answered through gritted teeth turning to face the tall woman, "I have to deal with screaming children and drunk parents all day and only get $7 a hour!?" Lorry said frustrated and hands on her hips "you were the one who wanted the job now please go do it before I fire you on your first day" his voice got slightly louder as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Whatever" she said walking away as children ran around the restaurant, William signed heavily and grew concerned to what was taking Y/n so long.

☆Y/n's pov☆

You walked back out into the main part of the restaurant spotting a angry looking William, "are you alright, love?" You asked walking up to him making him flinch slightly and open his eyes "my dear, where is Steve? Did he hurt you? Are you alright? Where is he? Is he dead?" He asked frantically once he saw Steve wasn't with you "calm down, im fine and...nothing happened he just needed help finding a key" you half lied to him, you didn't need a angry murderous psycho tearing the place apart trying to look for Steve right now.

"I swear if he-" "he didn't I made sure he stayed far away from me" you interrupted him and gently kissed him.

"you really need to stop lying to him..."~

To be continued....


Hey guys sorry for not publishing a lot my life is kinda weird rn 😭😭 but I hoped you like this chapter and I also want to start a Matthew lillard one shot book with all the characters he's played like Tim LaFlour, Dean Boland, Doug Van Housen, etc. But I domt know when ill start it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also I've been gone for 5 days and I'm already at 900 reads tysm guys ily!!! 💛🐰

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