~New victim~

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☆Chapter #5☆

~Its been a week and things at the restaurant have been busy with tones of birthdays and celebrations, the animatronics have been acting weird though they seem to be in slightly different places in the mornings when you and William would return but you brushed it off, William didn't seem bothered by it either which is strange cause he usually hated when things were out of order.


☆Y/n's pov☆

You arrived at the pizzeria, you looked up at the colorful sign smiling slightly thinking of all the other ideas you and William created before the right one.

As you walked into the building a weird feeling came over you, you walked over infront of the stage where the robotic animals stood, Chica the chicken, Bonnie the bunny, and Freddy the bear, you watched as they stood lifeless, there eyes dark and eerie, you smiled at them as nostalgia filled you.

As you watched the animatronics you could here talking in Williams office another weird feeling ran through your body, Williams words from last week ran through your mind "Good girl~" your mind ran as your face heated up slightly, you walked over to Williams office and knocked, "Come in" William said through the closed door.

As you walked in you saw a women sitting infront of Williams desk, she looked around 30, brown hair, brown eyes, and she wore one of the staff uniforms, immediately you felt angered by her presence, "Y/n my dear friend there you are! Here let me take that for you" William said walking over to you helping you take your coat off and hang it up, "Samantha this is my partner, Y/n, she helped me create this place and Y/n this is Samantha our newest employee" William said as he kept his hand on your shoulder, Samantha gave you a smile that was clearly fake and you gave her one back.

"Relax my friend~" he whispered into your ear, a shiver ran down your spine, "so, William, what can I do right now to help?" Samantha asked in a innocent tone smiling at William.

"Go ahead into the kitchen, there should be some dishes you can clean and the ovens also need to be cleaned" William said giving Samantha a warm smile.

Samantha started to walk out of the office, as she walked out she harshly pushed past you, you glared at her direct as you heard a slight giggle escape her lips.

You were about to leave until you felt Williams large hand on you shoulder, your body tensed slightly, "someone jealous?" He said teasingly "no....I just don't like her" you said with a low growl, William chuckled slightly "she'll be gone soon, darling~" he said with a smirk and his hand trailed down your arm, you blushed as William chuckled again and sat at his desk.


You and Alison sat behind the pizzeria, Alison was on the phone talking with her boyfriend, she seemed mad and annoyed, you sat on the cold ground listening to her conversation "just leave me be im at work! I'll call you later...." Alison said with a tight grip on her phone, you looked over at her slightly concerned, "o-ok....yea....sorry.....l-love you too..." Alison said stuttering as a tear rolled down her face and hung up, she then sat next to you with her knees tucked to her chest.

You patted her back trying to comfort
Her, "Dan, being a asshole again?" You said looking down at her, she just nodded with quiet sobs, she stood up and took a cigarette out of her pocket and lit it, smoke from her mouth disappeared in the cold air, you watched her as she offered one to you "want one?" You knew you shouldn't but you've been so stressed and aggravated lately so you took it, you put the cigarette to your lips and lit it, as you breathed in the smoke you felt your lungs and throat burn slightly, the smoke escaped your lips and into the air as you looked over at Alison "you okay? I didn't know you smoked...." Alison said taking another drag of her cigarette "yea....well there's a lot you don't know about me" you said suddenly in a cold tone dropping the cigarette and stepping on it as you walked back into the building, Alison stood concern at your sudden mood change.

As you walked back into the restaurant your ears filled with children's laugher and screams of joy, you looked over into the hallway and saw Samantha talking with William, you were curious so you walked a bit closer to them, as you dodged children you stood a couple feet away from the hallway, "oh come on, Will- I-i mean boss~ I could really help you around then restaurant~ if you know what I mean" Samantha said with a smirk and biting her lip, William stood infront of her with a serious look.

Your blood boiled and your fists clenched tightly as you heard her tone of words, its only been a day and you wanted her gone, no more then gone, dead.

"Samantha please get back to work...we'll talk later" he said sternly and with a look of annoyance.

William walked into his office almost slamming the door, Samantha giggled as she walked past you but stopped quickly and turned to you, "oh hey...Y/n...right? Anyways is your boss single....he's kinda hot, sort of gives off Dilf vibes maybe even sugar daddy~" Samantha said with a smirk and a teasing laugh which only made you more angry, you looked at her trying to hold yourself back from ripping her to pieces, her smirk only grew as she saw your annoyed face.

You stayed quiet not wanting to cause a scene infront of children and there families, the animatronics songs rang through your ears along with Samantha's irritating giggles, "awe honey you look mad, are you okay?" Samantha said with a fake concerned tone almost sounding like she was talking to a child, "get the fuck away from me...." you said in a low threatening tone, she just laughed walking away.

You knew exactly who your new victim was gonna be and you couldn't wait to see her dead.~

To be continued.....


HELLO LOVES! I'm so excited to continue this and really quickly I need to say thank you to everyone who has read this story its really giving me motivation to write more and also thank you so much to my friends for reading my story and giving me advice and helping me edit some of the chapters, I love you all and thank you again!!



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