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☆Chapter #20☆
⚠️WARNING: Burning SH, Smoking, Smut⚠️

"I will fucking kill her"~


☆Y/n's pov☆

You stepped out of the bathroom rubbing your now bruised elbow, you desperately needed a cigarette but didn't want to be caught by William, fuck it.

You stood outside as the cold fall air hit your bare arms, the lighters flame flickered under ur hand as you lit the cigarette, the nicotine infested smoke didn't calm your nerves like usual, a single tear rolled down your face as your head rested against the wall of the pizzeria, your thoughts kept telling you "kill them all, y/n" and you knew you were getting close to doing it, you didn't care if children saw, you didn't care if families were traumatized, the only thing you cared about was being arrested, the thought of being taken away from William, possibly never seeing him again made you want to scream and throw up, your best friend, your lover, your partner in crime, gone.

You zoned back into reality as you blinked away a couple of tears you looked down at the cigarette between your fingers, a blank stare, you held the cigarette above your arm then pressed it against your skin, the burning sensation rushed through your body as you continued to press it against your arm, you let out a shaky breath as moved the burnt out cigarette away from your skin which now had a bright red circular mark, but it didn't hurt or feel wrong it felt....right and deserving.

You tossed the cigarette to the side as you looked at the fresh burn mark, a small smile appeared against your lips as another tear rolled down your face, "what the fuck is wrong with me..." you said to yourself with slight amusement.

☆William's pov☆

He began to worry, Y/n has been gone for a while, it wasn't like her to just disappear for this long, he walked out of his office and into the main part of the restaurant scowling slightly at the sight of children everywhere.

He looked over at Ethan who stood at the counter talking with another employee.

"Hey boss, what're you doin out of your dungeon?" Ethan asked jokingly as he pointed finger guns at him, "Watch it boy..." he warned through gritted teeth which made Ethan quickly stop laughing "...have you seen Y/n anywhere?" He asked looking over at the crowed seating area, "uhhhh...noooo- I saw her earlier outback thought" Ethan said with curious look "ugh...alright...." he said with a low annoyed growl, "get back to work" he said glaring at Ethan.

William shook his head slightly and walked outside annoyed with how Y/n didn't tell him where she was going, he turned the corner and quickly spotted her sitting on the ground, "oh, love, whats wrong?" He asked sitting next to her.

☆Y/n's pov☆

You looked over at him and quickly pulled him close to you "now! We need to do it now!" You said quickly and paniced as your breathing was heavy the burn stinging slightly on your arm as the cold breeze hit it, "darling, calm down~" William's voice was soothing as he cupped the side of your face with his hand and kissed your forehead "they will perish soon, my love, we just need the right time" he explained holding you close, he knew something you didn't and he needed the right time for it to happen, "I c-cant wait anymore..." you said with a low and eerie tone as your grip on him tightened, "I know it's hard, darling" he said brushing your hair away from your face and kissing you lightly.


☆Y/n's pov☆

Inside the restaurant you could feel Lorry and Steve's eyes on you, you ignored them and stared at the Bonnie animatronic on the stage almost feeling like something was off about it besides the fact that you now know that there are rotting children corpses inside them, a firm hand firmly grasped your shoulder making you jump slightly, "sorry, sweety" Steve smirked tightening his grip slightly "so...you and the boss, huh?" Steve looked you up and down, you glared at him "Steve, I'm also your boss so kindly fuck off-" you said "oh! So demanding, I do like a woman in charge~" Steve stepped closer to you making you uncomfortable, Lorry came over and pushed Steve away "quit it Steve, she has William to drool over" Lorry sneered at you as Steve rolled his eyes, you felt helpless, you couldn't do anything, if you were to argue back you could get the whole restaurant shut down.

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