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☆Chapter #6☆

~All night you couldn't stop thinking about the new employee and her behavior towards your best friend, you layed in bed that night constantly thinking of William your thoughts running wild your need for killing growing more and more over the night.


☆Y/n's pov☆

You arrived at work, looking up at the sign with Freddy waving to cars passing by, you looked at Williams car smiling slightly knowing he was already here, a couple other employees cars filled the restaurant's parking lot.

You were about to walk in, you noticed your hands shaking, it was cold out but not cold enough to make you shiver, you noticed your breathing was heavy and you sat down on the sidewalk, taking deep breaths as your heart quickened, you didn't understand what was going on, you felt your body tense as you reached into your coat pocket feeling a lighter and a pack of cigarettes you stole from Alison's bag yesterday.

Your throat burned as the smoke left your mouth your heart slowed but your breathing was still heavy.

☆Williams pov☆

He stood infront of the stage waiting for Y/n to arrive, "why is she late....this isn't like her..." He thought with a concerned expression forming on his face, his body tensed as he felt a hand move down his arm, he looked over to see Samantha staring up at him with a smirk, he lightly pushed her away "Samantha, please this a place of business and this behavior is not appropriate" he said lowly and taking some steps away from her trying to remain formal, Samantha rolled her eyes "oh b-but sir, you look so tense and lonely~" She said taking some steps closer to him, other employees stood looking out the kitchen window with weird looks feeling uneasy.

He gave her a glare and pushed her away again with more force "Listen here. Stay the hell away from me!" He said in a quiet harsh whisper, Samantha pouted trying to grab his hand but he quickly turned away walking out of the restaurant in frustration.

He stood as the cool breeze hit his face, his body relaxed slightly until he heard heavy breathing and saw white smoke disappearing into the air.


☆Y/n's pov☆

Williams voice rang through your ears making you turn your head quickly, your heart began to race as you locked eyes with his, he walked over to you "Y/n.....why are you smoking?...." he said holding your shoulders lightly with a concerned tone, your heart sank slightly at his words a feeling of panic and slight fear ran through you.

The cigarette is still lightly held between your fingers as you looked up at him with panic in your eyes "I-i...." you stuttered out trying to find the right words, "we've talked about this....." he said calmly taking your hand and the cigarette, making you drop it on the ground and then he stepped on it putting it out, you felt ashamed of yourself remembering the conversation about smoking years ago.

"Smoking kills....." you said remembering his words, looking away from him "....i-im sorry....I j-just-" you said as tears threatened to fall, William noticed and tightly hugged you "It's ok, my dear, you're fine" William whispered into your ear comfortingly, you relaxed into his arms.

"Please promise me you'll stop...." he said looking into your eyes, "only for you, William" you said quietly looking at him, "good~ and i know you want to kill, and I know you're getting desperate but just hang on a little longer, my dear friend" he said calmly with a hand on your chin making you unable to look away from him.

The tension between the two of you was intense, you both were inches away from each other, your hearts racing and your faces pale from the cold air.

Your eyes both locked on each other, his hand stayed lightly grabbing your chin.

The restaurant door opened as Samantha walked out with a annoyed and angry look on her face, "Sir, your phone is ringing" she said glaring at you.

You and William quickly pulled away from each other, you death glared Samantha missing Williams touch, you sensed William tense up and a annoyed expression forming on his face as he pushed pass Samantha and into the restaurant.

She smirked walking over to you, "you really think YOU have a chance with him!?" Samantha said with aggravating laugh, your glare still remained on her, "was she right....do I really not have a chance with him...?" You thought "but we were just so close to each other...." "What if he was just....pretending?" Your thoughts ran and your heart sank again, Samantha smirked and walked back in the building.

You blood boiled with anger as tears ran down your face, that fucking bitch was gonna pay.

As you walked into the building, employees gave you weird and concerned looks as your eyes were red and glossy, Ethan walked up to you "the hell happened to you....? Are you high?" Ethan said concerned but chuckling slightly ".....seriously, you good?" He asked in a more serious, you just nodded and walked through the hallway into the bathroom.

You stood infront of the bathroom mirror a few tears rolled down your face, you looked horrible, you mascara was smudged slightly, your hair not as neat as when you left the house, your hands shaking and your breathing shaky, your body so desperate for a cigarette, blood, screams of horror, and Williams touch.

"Kill her" a voice rang through your ears but no one was around "W-who's-" "KILL HER!" an angry voice echoed through your mind, you closed your eyes shut tightly, tears streamed down your face.

☆Williams pov☆

Once he got into his office he answered the phone, he was annoyed and angry that something just had to interrupt him and Y/n's interaction, the other side of the phone was silent, he slammed it down aggressively, "damn kids..." he muttered through gritted teeth his fists balled tightly.

He wondered where Y/n was, until his thoughts were interrupted by Samantha once again walking into his office and sitting on top of his desk.

"Hello~ Sir, I was wondering if you were free tonight~" she said playing with his tie, he tensed up feeling uneasy.

☆Y/n's pov☆

You cleaned yourself up, fixing your makeup, hair, and uniform, making you look ready for work.

As you walked out of the bathroom stopping at Williams office, you stood in the door way, your heart stopped as you saw Samantha on top of Williams desk and playing with his tie, "oh come on~ that bitch won't find out~ just you and me for one night~" she said moving closer to Williams face.

William saw you standing at the door, he noticed your expression, he almost enjoyed seeing you mad, but you were to focused on Samantha.

☆Williams pov☆

He watched as Y/n stood at the door way with a angry stance, he wanted Samantha dead just as much as Y/n but he loved seeing Y/n jealous, he got an idea, an idea that would possibly change his and her close friendship.

"Samantha, I would love too"

☆Y/n's pov☆

You felt angry, no more than angry, furious, you blood boiled, your heart was broken at his words towards the bitch that sat infront of him, you felt.....


Samantha smiled not expecting his answer then looked over at you "awe~ what's wrong honey did I steal your best friend from you?~" Samantha said teasingly taunting you.

This bitch was gonna die and you were gonna make sure she burned in hell.~

To be continued....


Hey! Hope you enjoyed the long chapter im gonna write the next one very soon maybe even right now 👀 also I cant believe this has over 100 reads i didn't even expect this to get 50 reads so thank you thank you thank you!!! -☆Izzy☆

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