Late night talk

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They were still at Lunas house. The clock had now hit 12:32 am. The room was dark except for the soft glow of the lamp. The two girls lay next to each over, comforting silence sitting between them.

"How come you moved schools" Luna had randomly questioned.

Avery, Knowing the truth took a few seconds before answering, making up a lie.
"I moved cities for my mums job, So I moved school, we move cities a lot."

"It doesn't bother you?" Luna wondered

"Nah, I didn't enjoy the school I was in before, No reason why I just hadn't liked it." She paused before continuing her word again, "I'm glad I moved. I met you, Have you ever moved schools?" She smiled and Luna returned it.

"Yeah, once.." Lunas voice had went quiet.

"I went through a rough time last year," Luna confessed, the weight of the memories echoing in her voice.

"A rough time?" Zoey probed, her concern growing.

"I don't want to, like, rant," Luna hesitated.

"No, rant. I like hearing," Zoey assured, offering a comforting smile.

Luna took a deep breath, as if preparing to revisit a painful chapter. "I was badly bullied in another school. It, uh, got really bad. And I ended up moving schools because it got so bad." The vulnerability in Luna's revelation lingered in the room, a shared secret between newfound friends.

Zoey, absorbing Luna's story, felt a mix of emotions – empathy, sadness, and a growing connection. In the dimly lit room, Luna continued to share the details of her struggles and the decision to change schools.

"I've never really talked about this," Zoey admitted, her voice softer than usual. "But maybe... I can trust you with some of my struggles too." Luna nodded, creating a safe space.

"Sometimes I feel like nobody understands me. I can't speak about my feelings without people judging me. I can't act myself, I feel like I have a connection with you where I can act myself" Zoey had confessed.

"Well, You just described me so someone does understand you, I can act ways I don't act in front of others that I can with you. I can be my child self." Luna admitted, Assuring she understood her feelings.

"I felt like this for ages, I felt lonely because I was acting as someone else, and I just wanted to be myself." Luna carried on,  Her voice cracking up a little, but not showing any signs of sadness.

Zoey gently reached out, tucking a loose strand of Luna's hair behind her ear. Her fingers lingered for a moment as she met Luna's eyes with a quiet intensity.

As Zoey's fingers delicately tucked Luna's hair behind her ear, a tension, unspoken connection grew between them. Luna's eyes met Zoey's, her fingers then moving on to her cheek.

Their eyes locked, each absorbing the other's presence, and a gentle smile formed on Luna's lips, mirroring the warmth in Zoey's eyes. The tension dissolved into a shared acknowledgment, a silent agreement that they were in this together.

"You know," Zoey said softly, "sometimes the loneliest people understand each other the best. It's like we have this unspoken connection, Like I was born to meet you."

Lunas lips curled into a smile, hearing Zoeys comforting words that were assuring her she wasn't alone, And she understood her, Her warm hand resting on her cheek as she looked at Zoey with a sparkle in her gaze.

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