Building Trust

804 14 7

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was hiding behind Amy as much as I could while we were walking to a part where I saw a small crowd of other animal people like Amy and the others with Sally, Blaze, and Julie up on a rock telling others about me. They said I was not a threat, I was brought here with Amy, Cream, and Rogue by my own choice, I was sweet, and that part made me blush a little, but made it worse when I looked to see others looking over here to me. Amy did hold me close which made me feel a little better and I did want to leave to go back to her house. During a speech Sally was giving with Blaze and Julie behind her Amy whispered to me as she pointed out some of her friends. I even saw her friend Sonic, but he was kind of hard to see in the crowd. I saw most of him which wasn't hard because he was Blue.

Sally-With all that being said, I hope you focus on Robotnik, a.k.a Dr. Eggman as our enemy and see this child as an alley to protect as he grows into a symbol for a brighter future!

The crowd cheered and clapped and I think that meant we could leave now, but all of a sudden I heard something and so did the others. I sounded like very heavy footsteps, and they were getting closer then soon a tree got knocked down and everyone looked like they were ready to fight while Amy pushed me behind her.

Sally-We're under attack! Amy get him out of here!

She grabbed my arm and tried to run with me, but just then a giant rock was thrown over us and almost crushed us before I finally saw 7 giant robots come out from the trees and bushes. Next, a tree was coming right at us as other huge stuff was thrown, but Amy got out her hammer to hit the tree coming for us, but just then a blue blur showed up and smashed everything thrown in the air to bits before I saw Sonic land in front of us.

 Next, a tree was coming right at us as other huge stuff was thrown, but Amy got out her hammer to hit the tree coming for us, but just then a blue blur showed up and smashed everything thrown in the air to bits before I saw Sonic land in front of us

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(Y/N)'s mind-She said he was fast, but... I barely saw him... So cool!

He turned back to us and saw we were ok before he turned back to the giant robots before they shot missiles and lasers at us which made me panic and run away. My eyes were watering and I could hear the fighting and explosions behind me as I ran to where I didn't even know, but all I knew was that I wasn't far enough for the laser and missiles to reach me. I couldn't even open my eyes from all my crying and screaming before there was an explosion next to me that sent me flying to the ground. I felt so dizzy and hurt, my ears were ringing, and I couldn't see anything from the dust and tears in my eyes before I curled up and closed them. I couldn't move at all because I was so scared, but suddenly I was grabbed, pulled up, and then taken with someone before we made it to a place quieter. I let my legs give out before I hit a wall to slide down and curl up while crying, but I felt a hand rub my cheek.

???-*Shhhh* Hey, it's ok. You're safe now. ~

I still couldn't stop or do anything then I felt whoever this was give me a hug before rubbing the back of my head. I could still hear everything out there a few explosions made me flinch, but she cupped my ears a little before...

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