The Rule Game- Part Two

Começar do início

Amy- [laughs] she's fine

Rory- I'm fine!

[An adult walks into the room, but it isn't Russell]

Steven- everyone...please...put the tables back and take a seat

[He walks over to the front of the class]

Steven- My name is Steven, I'll be your teacher this year, and hopefully many more to come. Chop chop! We haven't got all day!

[Everyone takes a seat]

Sarah Jane- Psst, Rose, there's an open spot next to me

Rose- [grins and walks over to her]

Sarah Jane- Did you manage to get the green hair dye out?

Rose- [shakes her head] do you really think I'd be wearing this hat if I did?

Sarah Jane- [looks at the hat] it suits you!

Rose- thanks, Bill made it actually, she's so k-

Steven- Quiet! Everyone. Can I have all eyes up front please! Yes, I'm talking to you goth girl-

Missy- [glares]

Amy- [laughs]

Steven- thank you, now that I have your attention...

SpyMaster- get on with the lesson already!

Steven- Yes, thank you Sacha

SpyMaster- how do you know my name?

Steven- I know everyone's names, even the really obscure ones [looks at the Doctor]

9- [looks around, confused]

Rose- [giggles]

Steven- At Torchwood Academy, you'll be attending regular classes such as Math, English and Science-

Owen- Booooo

Dan- I hate math

Jenny- me too

Bill- I love maths!

12- agreed

Steven- you'll also be studying history, and geography, and I suppose languages and culture but um...we do that a bit differently here

10- what do you mean?

Steven- I mean...your going to have a very visual, hands on experience

Clara- [politely raises her hand]

Steven- Yes, Clara

Clara- will their be school trips? And will we need a passport?

Steven- yes, there will be school trips. But no, you will not need a passport

Donna- so we're not even going to leave the country? How lame is that

Steven- oh...just you wait

Ianto- [puts up a hand]

Steven- Ianto

Ianto- what about, drama?

Steven- anyone that wishes to form an extra curricular club, will be given the funds and space to do so. As long as they have over five willing participants

Ianto- so...we're in charge?

Steven- your in charge.

12- can we make ANY club we want?

Steven- So long as it isn't illegal, and you pitch it to Russell first. He's head of that department

Sarah Jane- [looks at Rose] Isn't that brilliant!?

Torchwood AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora