Thank You, Akira Toriyama

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Universe 7, beach....

The sun was rising in the sky as everyone was sitting on the beach with a sorrowful look on their face. Right now, they were mourring the passing of one of the greatest legend in history.

Several familiar face were seeing in the crow. Goku, Naruto, Luffy, Ichigo, Natsu, Saitama, Gon, Negi, Reimu, and all of their friends. Many of them held a sad expression on their face. Even the most optimist one like Luffy and Natsu couldn't stop themself from being depressed.

Tohka look down with a sad expression on her face, with Shido putting a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Tenka and Kazoki closed their eyes.

Someone is walking toward the front of the crow before turning around. It was Shiranui who was sad as everyone else. He cleared his throat, brining everyone's attention toward him. "Ladies and gentleman...we are here today to say goodbye to a man who entered history: Akira Toriyama."

Shiranui turn around and look at a picture of a man with black hair who wear a pair of glass and has a smile on his face. "Toriyama has brought us joy, hapiness and many more through his works, all without asking anything in return. To many who know him...he's a hero."

The Dark Light Saiyan turned to his right. "Sokuto...if you please."

Sokuto arrived with a bouquet of flowers and pose them in the edge of the sea. He then lifted a finger on his finger and touched the flowers with it, burning it. Shiranui grab the bouquet and lifted it in the air. "To Akira Toriyama!"

Many people in the crow, holding a glass filled with sake, lifted them in the air. "To Akira Toriyama!" 

Takao turned into Light Super Saiyan and created a orb of light that goes to the sky and explosed into a beautiful glow. Many light and fire were send into the sky to honor the man that passed on. Then, everyone get up and watched as the light faded on in the sky.

A bit far away, we see Goku watching the sky with crossed arms. His face held a nostalgic expression. Then, he hear a voice. "You don't seem to be happy. This isn't like you, Goku."

Goku turn around and his eyes widened in shock. "W-What?! It's you?!"

In front of Goku is...Akira Toriyama himself. On his head is a halo. He smiled warmly, like a father talking to his son. "Indeed. Even though this is the first time we officialy meet, i'm glad to see how much you grow, Son Goku."

Goku smiled, before he frown. "I'm sorry for what happen to wasn't fair that you're gone just like that."

Toriyama shook his head. "It's alright. Despite this, i don't have any regret. I'm just happy to see how you and everyone else became who you are today. To think that my childrens would become such legends."

Toriyama walk up to Goku and hug him. "I'm proud of you, Goku."

For the first time since the death of his grandpa, Goku feel emotional. He hug back. The two of them stayed like that for a moment before they hear a voice. "Goku!"

Goku and Toriyama part away and see everyone else joining them. They stopped when they see the man beside the Saiyan and were shocked. "I-Is that?"

Evil Goku finished. "Toriyama?!"

Toriyama smiled and walk up toward Evil Goku. "It's nice to meet you for the first time. You might be from a different Universe, but you're still the Goku i like."

He turned toward Omega Goku. "As for you, i hope that you live wonderful adventures, just like i did."

Omega Goku nodded. Naruto gritted his teeths with tears in his eyes. "You can't leave like that! It's not fair!"

Luffy spoke up. "There has to be something we can do!"

Toriyama smiled. "Thank you, Luffy. But as someone once say, we all given one life, and my own has just ended. However, i'm still happy. Because when i look at each of you, i feel nothing but pride. Even for those who don't know me, i'm glad that you become who you are today."

That make some of them more emotional that they were before. Toriyama continued. "Do not worry, even though i may be gone from this world, i will always be a part of your heart and memories."

Goku and the others closed their eyes as many vision flashed in their mind. Goku meeting Bulma, fighting enemy who became his ally, participing in the Martial Art Tournaments, and defeating King Piccolo. Arala's adventures. Dai's quest. And many more.

Toriyama finished. "Thank you for this adventure. Now, it's time for me to start an new one...farewell."

Everyone opened their eyes and see that Toriyama was gone. Goku walk up to the cliff and see a light in the sky, it looked like a Dragon. "Shenron..."

Shenron flew in the sky with Toriyama riding his back. The man smiled as he watched his childrens growing.

Arala was having fun with her friends when she spot a light moving in the sky. "Poyo?"

Dai traveled on a boat when a light appear in the sky. "A Dragon?"

Akira Toriyama is heading to his next destination with Shenron, when a voice was hear. "It's being a fun ride, was it?"

The Mangaka turn around and see a old man wearing a pair of sunglass. He nodded. "It is."

Stan Lee smiled before he sit down next to Akira. "So, are you ready to start this new adventure?"

Toriyama smile back. "More then ever. It's time for us to watch the future adventures of our childrens."

Stan Lee give him a thumb up. "Excelsior!"

Toriyama and Stan Lee turn back ahead as they leave for new adventures.

The End... you all surely know, Akira Toriyama is gone. I've learned it yesterday on Wattpad. True be told, it was a real shock, especially when i learned that it happen last week.

Akira Toriyama has create amazing Series for entertainment. He has inspired many Mangaka, and many more. Has it not being for him, Dragon Ball and others Series would never existed.

Those pass six years has really being terrible. Stan Lee, Chadwick Boseman, my dad, and now Akira Toriyama. It's really messed up.

But, as someone once said, he might be gone, but not forgotten. Akira Toriyama has started a Legacies, and it's up to us to make sure that it's live on. As such, he will never truly be gone. Just like the mentioned above. They will always live in me, just like Toriyama will always live in you.

Thank you, Toriyama-Dono. Rest in peace.

 Rest in peace

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