Chapter No.3 Rapid Growth

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"My king, If you order me. I will swiftly 'take care' of little Ares."

Zeus who was still lost in thought, looked up to find Hermes, the messenger of the gods, standing before him. The mischievous glint in Hermes' eyes hinted at the potential for mischief and intrigue.

"Do you think, I don't want that? I will do anything and everything to keep my throne," Zeus replied with a stern gaze. "But I can't do it now, Olympus is weakened now by Ares' birth, and any hasty action might lead to unforeseen consequences. 'Others' might choose this chance to attack our pantheon."

Hermes nodded, understanding the delicate balance of power within the divine realm. "As you wish, my king. But remember that the longer we wait, the stronger Ares may become. His potential is unpredictable, and the other gods are watching closely."

Zeus sighed, acknowledging the truth in Hermes' words. The birth of Ares had not only disrupted Mount Olympus's order but also sown seeds of uncertainty among the gods.

"Continue to observe him, Hermes. Report any unusual developments. We need to be vigilant," Zeus commanded, his gaze focused on the celestial events unfolding beyond the throne room.

"As you command, my king," Hermes responded with a swift bow before disappearing in a flash, leaving Zeus alone with his thoughts.

"I tried to delay his 'Breast Feeding Ceremony' but Hera insisted on holding it sooner rather than later. That woman, always so stubborn," Zeus muttered to himself, a hint of frustration in his voice.

But beneath the frustration lay a sense of unease, a nagging doubt that whispered of potential dangers lurking on the horizon. Ares, the god of war, possessed powers that surpassed even the mightiest of the Olympian gods, and his destiny remained shrouded in uncertainty.


[Hera's Chamber]

In the sacred chamber of Hera, the queen of the gods cradled Ares in her arms, her eyes filled with a mixture of maternal love and concern. The symbols of celestial weapons adorned the infant god's skin, a visual testament to the extraordinary circumstances of his birth.

As Hera looked down at Ares, a sense of responsibility weighed on her heart. She was not just a queen; she was now a mother to a god whose destiny was entwined with the very essence of war. The divine weapons that had merged into Ares had left their mark, both a blessing and a potential curse.

"Little Ares, what fate do you carry?" Hera whispered her voice a soft melody in the sacred chamber. The divine energy radiating from Ares painted an ethereal glow around him, casting a warm light on the intricate patterns of his divine form.

The atmosphere in the chamber shifted as Hera sensed a presence behind her. Hestia, the goddess with crimson hair, entered quietly, her eyes reflecting the flickering flames of the hearth.

"Hestia, my dear sister, what do you make of all this?" Hera inquired, her gaze still fixed on Ares.

Hestia approached, her movements graceful and serene. "The divine flame holds secrets, Hera. The merging of celestial energies within Ares signifies a destiny that surpasses the ordinary course of a godly existence. He is a child of both chaos and order, a force that may shape the cosmic balance."

Hera nodded, a furrow forming on her brow. "But with such power comes great responsibility. I fear the consequences of Ares' potential, both for Olympus and the mortal realm."

Hestia placed a comforting hand on Hera's shoulder. "As the keeper of the hearth, I sense a warmth within him, a flame that may guide him in his journey. We must nurture that flame, Hera, and guide Ares on the path of balance."

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