Chapter No.2 Shocked Gods

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The moment Zeus gave the name, a surge of divine energy swept through Mount Olympus, resonating with the very fabric of existence. Ares started to float in the air from the protective arms of Hera, surrounded by the celestial weapons that now orbited him like loyal guardians. The air hummed with newfound energy, and the gods exchanged knowing glances as they witnessed the manifestation of a god with a destiny entwined with the essence of war.

As if it was just the beginning, All the weapons started to melt into colorful energies and submerged into the very being of Ares, infusing him with the essence of each celestial armament. The divine energy surged within the infant god, shaping his divine form and granting him powers beyond mortal comprehension.

But it didn't just stop there, A perfectly forged lightning-shaped object flew from the side of Zeus, and before anyone could react it intertwined with Ares, merging seamlessly with the celestial energies. The lightning, a symbol of Zeus's divine authority, became an integral part of Ares's essence.

A sword carrying the flames of the mighty sun itself room, joining the celestial energies enveloping Ares. The flames danced and flickered around the newborn god, imbuing him with the power of the sun and the fury of its scorching heat.

Many divine weapons of the gods present flew away from the still-shocked god and infused themselves into Ares.


A roar of struggle woke everyone from their stunned silence. They saw Poseidon still holding the trident giving his everything for keeping it in place as veins started to bulge on his forehead. The trident, a symbol of the sea's might and power, resisted its departure as if reluctant to part ways with its divine master.

As Ares absorbed the energies of the celestial weapons, the trident, too, released itself from Poseidon's grasp. With a blinding flash, it merged into the divine spectacle surrounding Ares, contributing its essence to the burgeoning god of war.

The moment the trident melded into Ares' being, the atmosphere shifted once again. Waves of celestial water cascaded around the infant god, an ethereal representation of Poseidon's domain. The divine water twirled and danced, imbuing Ares with the power to control and manipulate the very essence of the sea.

The gods whose weapon had merged into Ares watched in horror as their divine artifacts became a part of the newborn god, Which in turn made them lose more than 40% of their divinities to the emerging god of war. The celestial energies continued to swirl around Ares, creating a divine tapestry that reflected the essence of each god's weapon.


Zeus, stunned by the unfolding events, could only stare in awe as Ares absorbed the divine energies of the celestial weapons. The gods around him looked to Zeus for an explanation, their expressions a mix of anger and fear.

Zeus raised his hands in a gesture of appeasement, "I... I do not know. This is unprecedented. The Fates themselves must be weaving a unique destiny for our newest member."

As the divine energies settled, Ares descended back into Hera's arms, his tiny form now radiating with a celestial glow. The celestial weapons, having become an intrinsic part of the god of war, ceased their orbit and instead manifested as intricate patterns on his skin. Symbols of flames, waves, lightning, and various other divine motifs adorned his celestial form.

Hera cradled Ares, her eyes filled with both motherly love and concern. The gods, while still bewildered, could not deny the extraordinary nature of the newborn god's manifestation.

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