Chap. Eight: Sleepless Stars

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    Sleep was something that most people welcomed as a respite from the difficulties of life. They surrender themselves to the numbing darkness, embracing the sweet dreams that transport them to a faraway land. When they awaken, they do so reluctantly, adverse to face yet another day in reality.

    I couldn't blame them... yet I also couldn't understand.

    Sleep itself was welcome, the instantaneous passage of time a wonder to my mind, but I truly detested the images that disturbed that mindless slumber. Fear, joy, sadness, longing... how could these emotions be so disturbingly replicated in a world created by the unconscious crevices of one's mind? Dreams that made me long to return back to its world once I've awakened, nightmares that startle me awake drenched in cold sweat and tears; both stirred things within my heart that I would much rather leave untouched. It was because of this that I much preferred sleeping once I was physically unable to do anything else, my mind so exhausted that it shut down completely when given the opportunity.

    This particular night, my eyes snapped open as I abruptly sat up, my heart racing a mile a minute. I couldn't remember what had woken me up, but now that I was awake I couldn't find it within me to go back to sleep. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I processed the fact that I was still wearing the same clothes as the afternoon. Glancing around the room, my eyes landed on the nightstand where a platter of covered dishes and a small bundle of clothes were set.

    I hadn't even realized that they had come in... I mused as I leaned forward to grab the card propped up on the platter.

    [When you wake up, be sure to eat something! Himeko says that eating too late at night is unhealthy, but being hungry is even worse. Love, March ^-^ <3]

    A warm feeling blossomed within my stomach at the loopy handwriting, March's sweet words more than enough to fill up my stomach. The savory aroma of tomato soup wafted into my nostrils, coaxing a loud growl from my stomach.

    Perhaps I had gone a little too long without food.

    Uncovering the shallow bowl of tomato soup, I discovered that it was still pleasantly warm; perhaps March had brought it over not very long ago. Lifting the spoon to my lips, I took a careful sip of the aromatic food.

    It was... delicious.

    I monotonously lifted the spoon to my lips over and over again, unable to stop until the soup was completely depleted. It had been so long since I had sincerely thought that food was something other than a means to stop the migraines that came with starvation, my regeneration making it impossible to die from a lack of food.

    I faintly registered my spoon coming up empty after a while, setting it down into the plate with a disappointed sigh. My stomach was sufficiently sated by the small amount of food; I only really need a lot of food after I regenerate from a particularly bad wound.

    Reaching over the platter, I grabbed the bundle of clothes and shook them out, gently stroking the soft cloth with light fingers as I held it up to my body. The lacy black nightgown reached until my midthigh, the thin ribbon straps criss-crossing on the back. The thin cotton fabric was cool and breathable, with lace accents cutting see-through triangles onto my thighs and along my collarbone. A pair of black shorts came with it, making the outfit very practical for battle if it came to that. As I turned to set the clothes aside in order to change out of my current outfit, a small slip of paper fluttered to the floor, capturing my attention. Squatting to scoop it up, I flicked it open with a hand to read the contents.

    [We really must go shopping for your own clothes, but please hang on with these in the meantime. I found the nightgown a bit... risqué for my taste, so I've never used it, but you seem to like this style based on your old outfit. -Himeko]

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