I tried not to scowl “I have a name”

She narrowed her eyes “Excuse me?”

I cleared my throat “I mean, yes miss?”

She glared “Read the opening of A Midsummer’s Nights Dream, as Theseus!”

I mumbled curses under my breath and opened up the book.

“Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour
Draws on apace; four happy days bring in
Another moon: but, O, methinks, how slow
This old moon wanes! she lingers my desires,
Like to a step-dame or a dowager
Long withering out a young man revenue”.

The teacher, who I had christened Scrooge huffed “That was horrible reading”

I scowled and shut the book. I was glad when the bell rang, and ignored her shouts for us to read the rest of the play by the next lesson.

Ashley danced her way out of the door, and I laughed as she kissed the floor.

“I do this every time we exit this room” she explained “It’s such a relief to see anything that’s not her face”

I spotted Lia and Cody arguing by a locker and walked over to catch the end of their conversation.

“You don’t have to throw yourself at every guy you see!”

“I don’t! What are you implying Cody?”

“That you’re just like those other girls, you’ll do any guy with a pulse” he walked away fury evident in his face, and Lia wiped a few tears that leaked.

“Are you okay?” I murmured touching her arm softly.

She nodded, but just as soon fresh tears leaked “I didn’t mean to hurt him!”

I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder, and led her into the girls bathroom.

She wiped her nose nosily “Thanks” her eyes were red rimmed, and she sighed heavily.

“What happened?”

“So Lloyd Chambers asks me out and Cody’s right there, and I’m sure he’s jealous so I stupidly lock lips with the air headed jock and he fumes”

“It’s not your fault…” I begin

“Yes it is” she insists “Every time he’s there I try to make him jealous because I love him! He just doesn’t understand Renee! He just doesn’t understand!” suddenly she looks furious and I sigh.

“Look from what I’m seeing, you’re both pretty stupid. You like each other, and all someone’s got to do is grow some balls”

Lia huffs “He’s the one with the balls, why can’t he just ask me already!”

“You can’t just wait around Lia” I pass her another tissue “You’ve got to do something before he thinks you don’t want him and finds someone else”

Her eyes widen “But he can’t! I just…He’s always been there for me you know? He’s been like…when my mom died he held me all night, who else does that? He doesn’t get annoyed when I talk for hours on end when he can’t get a word in edgeways, he’s funny and smart and talented and he’s just…I can’t be with anyone else Renee”

I nod in understanding “Go and get him, cause he’s yours!”

After Lia fixes her make up, we don’t bother making it to the next period with only 5 minutes to spare.

“Thanks Renee” she smiles at me genuinely and I nod “Anytime”.

I head off to gym, and change quickly, having left my gun in my locker. I wasn’t too happy to find Marie had packed me shorts, really short ones. I had on matching blue and white socks, a blue t shirt and blue vans. Heading outside, I find most people already there, and I join to huddle at the back.

Taming the Bad Boy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now