𝟷𝟼. 𝙾𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚝

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[The next morning, Author's POV]

Yoongi yawned as he poured his usual cup of coffee, the bleary gray hours of the morning shining through the kitchen curtains. The sleepy Cat hybrid had only awoken himself earlier than usual because he had a client to work with on his computer.

Jimin quickly followed after him in the kitchen, rubbing his eyes, still sleepy as well but he would rather be awake beside his mate than a cold bed alone. "Did you see Tae's note, babe?"

Yoongi shook his head, swallowing his coffee. "No, I didn't. What happened? Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he just informed us that he had an emergency back at his home. He should be back soon."

"Oh," Yoongi frowned, worry starting to appear on his face. "I hope it isn't too serious. But I'm guessing it is if he had to leave Jungkook so suddenly."

"I should go check on him then," Jimin noted, rummaging through the kitchen cabinets. "Give him breakfast in bed, that'll satisfy the little babies in his tummy."

Yoongi smiled softly as he helped his mate prepare pancakes. "How many do you think they'll have?"

Jimin whistled, mixing the pancake mixture. "When I measured and felt his stomach, I calculated about three babies, maybe even four."

"That's gonna be a lot of diapers to change." Yoongi mentioned, already thinking like an uncle.

"And like an amazing uncle, you'll help change them." Jimin grinned, making kissy faces when Yoongi grimaced playfully.

A hoarse scream emitting from down the hallway however made them both freeze.

Pancake batter splattered across the floor as Jimin and Yoongi rushed to Jungkook's bedroom, slamming the door open to reveal Jungkook sitting up on his bed, doe eyes wet and wide as he panted harshly.

"Kook-ah??!" Jimin practically shrieked, fear and confusion seizing his heart as he kneeled down next to the pregnant hybrid. "What happened!? Why'd you scream??"

Jungkook didn't answer at first, eyes hazy and breathing labored, his shoulders trembling lightly, prompting Yoongi to reach over and rub the younger one's shoulders lovingly. "Did you have a nightmare, Kookie? It's okay, we're right here. It's gonna be okay, take deep breaths."

"Where's Tae?" Jungkook immediately asked, barely even taking a breath as he tried getting off his bed. "Is he back yet? I need to see him, I-I had this horrible dream— I need to see if he's okay—"

"Woah, woah, slow down, Kookie. You can't get up that quickly." Jimin reprimanded, supporting Jungkook's arms in his grip. "Taehyung isn't back yet, he'll be back soon. You should stay here, resting until he gets back."

"No, no, you don't get it hyung." Jungkook wobbled through trembling lips. "I had this horrible dream where Taehyung was beaten up and stuck over at his territory. I-It felt so real hyung, I'm so scared, what if it's true? What if something happened? I don't even feel good—"

"Kookie, if you don't feel good, that just shows you need to stay here in bed." Yoongi commanded gently yet firmly. "Taehyung promised he would be back soon, we just have to wait until he gets back. You are in no condition to go anywhere."

"You don't get it Yoongi hyung! I can feel it, right here in my heart, Taehyung needs me. I can't just let him get hurt and never come back!" Jungkook blubbered, pushing past them to exit his bedroom. "I can't lose him, hyungs. He is my mate, the one person I pledged my whole life to love and protect. He needs me, I just can't ignore that!"

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