F I F T Y - T H R E E

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Lots of plot in this chapter, sorry if it's a little boring but I hope you guys enjoy it :)

There are 2 Swiftie Easter eggs in here for you guys and so far they are two of the hardest ones I've written in. I'll give a shoutout to the first person who can figure out which two songs I'm referencing!! (Level: Almost Impossible)

There were very specific traditions surrounding the way that Christmas worked in the Anderson family. We would go to the lake house the morning of Christmas Eve, and just at sunset we would go to the Christmas tree farm a few miles up the road. We would spend a few hours out there - most of the trees were cleared out by that point, and in their place were people; dancing, singing, and drinking cider. Since almost everyone has bought their Christmas trees by then, we would pick out the smallest tree left - one of the ones that nobody wanted. We would get the tree just before we left, and take it back to the lake house, and spend the rest of Christmas Eve decorating it.

When Christmas morning came, we sat around the tree and went in order from youngest to oldest, picking out a gift for someone else from under the tree for them to unwrap. With three more people joining us for Christmas this year, there were twice as many gifts, and twice as much fun was had.

"What is it, Alex?" Sabrina grinned as Alex unboxed his gift from Renee and I.

"Let's see." Alex grinned, opening up the package and pulling out the gift. "It's a new hoodie." He smiled. "Thanks, guys."

"You're welcome." I grinned.

"Sparkler picked it out, I just paid." Renee chuckled.

We rounded the living room of the lake house a few more times, opening gifts one by one, before my mom finally picked up a gift from under the tree, reading the tag. "Looks like it's for you, Park." She grinned, handing it to me.

"To Sparky, Love Nae, timeless like you and me." I read off the tag. "What's this?" I grinned, looking at Renee.

"Open it and see." She grinned.

My family and friends watched as I opened Renee's gift. A small part of me was expecting a small jewelry box, but as I rustled through the tissue paper, I sighed. No ring.

When I realized what it was, however, I cheered right back up. I grinned, holding Cameron's old jersey up with my hands. "Wow." I smiled, tears filling my eyes as a few slowly made their way down my cheeks.

"After you got out of the hospital, I picked your stuff up from Leo's place." She smiled softly. "I figured it'd make a good gift."

"I totally forgot Leo had this." I mumbled, snuggling into Renee's hold. "Thank you, Nae. I love you."

"Love you too baby." She grinned, planting a kiss on top of my head.

Next, it was my dad's turn to pick out a present. He grabbed a small rectangular box from under the tree, one that I recognized as the gift I had gotten for Renee.

"Alright Nae, you're up." My dad grinned, handing her the gift.

"To Renee, from Sparkler." Renee said, glaring at me. "I thought I told you not to get me anything."

"You told me not to get you anything for your birthday." I grinned. "You never said anything about Christmas."

"Cheeky." Renee chuckled, carefully unwrapping the present and opening the box. She grinned as she saw the new gold chain. "Spark." She smiled.

"It's the one you wanted right?" I smiled.

"How did you know?" Renee squinted at me, a small smile playing at her lips.

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