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Warning: Smut

Renee had brought me with her to the studio for the first time ever. It was a totally different experience than I was expecting it to be- turns out a lot of what Renee does in her "studio time" is just sit around with her friends hanging out. She called it "looking for inspiration".

Renee's manager Adam was there, as well as several of her friends, a few of which are also music artists.

Adam was good at making small talk with me. "So where are you from, Parker?"

"Huntersville." I smiled. "Renee and I grew up together."

"I see." He smiled. "Do you have any siblings?"

"Uh," I glanced at Renee, who was in the booth, wishing I had a little help answering this question, "No."

Adam watched as I shifted uncomfortably and seemed to take it as a signal, because my small talk with him ended there.

"So Parker," Renee's friend Alexander began, "you signed Renee's contract right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, a few weeks ago."

"What is it like?" Alexander asked with a smirk on his face.

"Uh, well-"

"Remember Sparkler, you have a contract." Renee hummed as she made her way from the booth to the couch, pulling me into her lap. "Unless you want to break the rules, but you'll be punished for it." Renee whispered in my ear.

"Uhm, I'm not allowed to tell you." I shrugged, my eyes a little wide.

"That's okay." Alexander grinned. "I'll have Nae give me the details later."

Renee winked at Alexander with a smile as she squeezed me tightly. "Okay, well it's getting late, so we should probably get going."

"Did you get done with everything you needed to?" I asked.

"Eh, I think so." Renee said with a shrug.

"Okay, well it was nice meeting you guys!" I smiled, waving at Renee's friends. "I had fun."

"Renee, you should bring her along more often." Adam winked at Renee. "It was nice to meet you, Parker."

I said my goodbyes to Renee's friends and the two of us headed to the car. "My work friends like you." She smiled. "I can tell."

"They're fun." I said. "One of them asked me about Cameron."

"What?" Renee asked, her mood immediately shifting to serious.

"Well, not exactly about Cameron." I mumbled. "Adam just asked if I had siblings. I guess I got weird about it. I told him no."

"Oh." Renee nodded. "It's okay, Park, they just don't know any better."

"I know." I agreed. "It just took me off guard."

"That's okay." Renee nodded. "Are you hungry?"

"No." I shook my head.

"You haven't eaten all day, Parker." Renee said, glancing at me as she drove us home. "You need to eat."

I glanced out the window, not wanting to answer.

"Please Parker." Renee mumbled. Suddenly her glance turned into a smirk. "If you let me get you dinner maybe you'll get something you want."

I could feel my cheeks turning red. "You mean-"

"You'll have to eat to find out." Renee said with a grin. "So are we stopping or what?"

"Can we pick up Olive Garden?" I smiled softly.

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