T W E N T Y - F O U R

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"Reneeeeee." I called, walking into the living room.

"What's up, baby?" Renee asked with a smile as she looked up from her phone.

"Remember last night when you told me you loved me?" I asked sweetly.

"Mhm." Renee mumbled.

"And remember this morning when you told me that you would do anything for me?" I sang.

"Where is this going?" Renee asked suspiciously.

"Can we get a dog?" I smiled.


"Please?" I begged.


"I'll feed it, and bathe it, and take it for walks." I pled.

"Oh wow, let me think about it." Renee paused. "No."

"Nae, why not?"

"Don't Nae me." She chuckled. "We don't have time for a dog, Parker."

"Don't you want one, though?" I whined. "A little golden retriever puppy just running around the house that we can play with whenever we want?"

"We have a golden retriever. Her name is Sparky and she's already a handful." Renee smirked.

"Renee I'm serious." I huffed. "We can have sex if you get the dog for me." I offered.

"If I want to have sex we'll have sex, baby, I can promise you that." Renee scoffed. "No dog necessary."

"I bet Selena would get me a golden retriever." I groaned.

"Parker." Renee warned.

"Well she would." I huffed.

"Careful baby." Renee warned. "You're asking for it."

"I just want a puppy." I sighed.

"I'm not getting you a dog." Renee shook her head. "But I'll take you to Olive Garden. Put some shoes on."

I sighed, willing to accept the consolation prize of Olive Garden. Renee knew it was my favorite. I walked into the bedroom and threw on my sneakers, grabbing Renee's keys off of her nightstand.

"I'm driving." I sang as I walked through the living room and out the front door.

"No the hell you're not." Renee shook her head, grabbing her keys out of my hand as we climbed into the car.

"It was worth a shot." I chuckled.

Renee drove us to Olive Garden, and as soon as the two of us were seated I noticed something.

That man who cat called me from his car the day I ran off.

Staring at me.

"What are you gonna get baby?" Renee asked me.

"Um." I started, unable to focus. "I don't know."

I was trying to concentrate on my conversation with Renee, but I couldn't. All I could pay attention to was the man staring at me.

"Parker, what's wrong?" Renee asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head, still glancing at the man.

Renee grabbed my chin, moving my head so I was facing her.

"You look away when you lie, Parker." Renee said, raising her eyebrows at me. "I haven't gotten a coherent sentence out of you in 15 minutes. Tell me the truth, baby. What's wrong?"

I sighed, taking a deep breath. "That guy." I motioned subtly. "The day I ran off, he pulled past me in his car and whistled at me.  He yelled something about wanting a piece of me. It just made me a little uncomfortable is all. I didn't think I'd see him again. I'm okay though."

"That guy over there?" Renee questioned, raising her eyebrows and tensing up. "The one staring at you?"

"Renee, look at me." I mumbled, refusing to continue until we made eye contact. "Do not go over there."

"Parker." Renee groaned. "He keeps staring at you."

"I know but it's okay." I sighed. "I can just not look."

"Switch seats with me then." Renee huffed. "So he can't see you."

"Fine." I huffed, sliding out of the booth and switching places with Renee.

We ate our lunch as fast as we could and made our way out of the Olive Garden, wanting to avoid the man standing there. As we passed his table, though, he whistled at me.

"Hey baby, good to see you again." He said with a smirk.

Renee's head whipped around faster than you could say 'uh oh'. "Excuse you?" She snapped, walking up to his table.

"Nae." I mumbled, grabbing her wrist as she approached the man. "He's not worth it, let's go."

Renee looked between me and the man, angry, but somehow also calmly. "Fine." She said after a long pause. "Stay the fuck away from her." She spat at the man as we exited the restaurant.

"Thank you." I mumbled as we got in the car.

"Why'd you pull me back?" Renee huffed.

"Because." I groaned. "I didn't feel like watching you assault somebody."

"He harrassed you." Renee said seriously. "He deserves to have his ass kicked."

"If he did it to me he's doing it to a hundred other women." I shrugged. "Surely somebody's gonna retaliate."

"And I wanted it to be me." Renee whined.

"Well I'm glad it wasn't." I insisted.

"Well you're in for it now." Renee said seriously, pulling her jacket off. "Cause I need to let off some steam."

"What?" I chuckled.

Suddenly Renee climbed from the driver's seat to on top of me in the passenger seat, straddling my lap as she shoved her hands under my shirt.

"Renee!" I exclaimed.

"That's not my name." She snapped, coming up for air as she sucked on my neck.

"We're in the Olive Garden parking lot." I giggled. "We're in the front seat of your car."

"So let's get in the back then." Renee said with a smirk.

I shook my head with a giggle, climbing to the backseat.


Author's Note:

Here's a short, cute little chapter for y'all hehe.

Next chapter should be a lil spicy from Renee hehe

If y'all want another one today you know what to do !!

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