Chapter 17: Dinner

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Louisiana weather around this time of year was decent. The mornings were cool and the temperatures were moderate to warm. A complete contrast to the hot and sticky air during the summer. I had spent some time down in New Orleans with my parents when I was much younger, exploring the vast history and food culture. So I knew a little bit about this place. I just didn't expect to be invited to such a beautiful estate. Etienne lived on a 150 acre ranch styled modern house that looked like it was fully remolded some years ago. If I were to guess it was an old family home that probably stayed within his family for generations.

A long stone and concrete driveway lead up to the main house, which was a color combination of black siding and grey brick. It had large tinted windows that were custom to this build. I knew because my family owned a similar build in South Carolina.

"Wow, I didn't know he was this rich,"Malachi said as we approached the front door. Before we could even knock, it swung open revealing a tall alpha who I recognized as Etienne. He was probably the prettiest alpha I had ever met in my life. His long blond curly hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, exposing the sharp features of his tanned face. His eyes were the color of glowing emeralds, beaming with a specific radiance that left me speechless. His eyelashes were long and full and his lips a natural pink. His voice was even more heavenly as he spoke. It was deep, but very gentle. Almost like when he spoke he was trying to protectively hug you with his words.

"Bonswa," he gleamed, greeting us as I gawked in amazement. The setting sun made his bronzed skin glow as he blinked down at me. I felt a little intimidated, but for a completely different reason that I expected. He was beautiful in every facet of the word.

"Mwen byen," I replied in my best attempt at creole. I only knew enough to greet people. Some old man had given me a book about the language and I had read through it multiple times when I'd get bored. So I knew most greetings and how to talk about food.

" already know more than my husband. I love you already," he beamed while pulling me and Malachi into his beautiful home. It was an open floor plan, only the bedrooms, bathrooms, and office having sliding doors and walls.

"You home is beautiful Etienne," Malachi complemented as we looked around. I was a bit nervous that he might not like that fact that I was with Malachi, but once I was told that Etienne was married my whole perception changed.  I didn't feel that fear in the pit of my stomach anymore and Malachi's unsureness was gone. He seemed genuinely excited just to see and old friend and that was it.

"Thank you Mali," he replied. The nickname was new. I had never heard anyone call in that before.

"So we're resorting to old disrespect too. I'm so offended," Malachi replied jokingly. I was a little confused by their banter, but assumed it was an inside joke that I needed context to.

"Does Walker know that your dad calls you Mali?" Etienne asked. Malachi shook his head, regret shooting right through my body from him.

"Umm...I don't really talk to my dad anymore. We're kinda fell out a few weeks ago,"Malachi explained. I had assumed Malachi cut all ties with his dad after he graduated from FinchWood. I didn't know that he had some sort of relationship after.

"Oh...I didn't mean to make you bring that up. I just remember he used to write you a lot. Honestly, I used to get quite jealous,"Etienne admitted.

Malachi's face seemed to glitch as he blinked rapidly while raising his eyebrow. "Really? I mean I never used to read the letters. I think I was to angry at him," Malachi replied. I could feel a tinge of regret from him. I guess there were things he didn't even realize his father had done.

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