Chapter 11: Alpha and Omega

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Ever since production wrapped up for my project with Malachi, he had accompanied me to every set I was involved with. I didn't mind it at all, but the looks I got from some of my cast mates and behind the scenes staff made me giggle a little. Malachi would follow directly behind me whenever we arrived to a set and then stay in my dressing room until I was finished. I knew he was just being cautious for me. Alphas were still desperately throwing themselves at me despite the fact that I was pair bonded. No one knew that I was marked yet thanks to Blair's amazing make up skills and we weren't planning to reveal that until filming was over for me.

"Does he ever give you freedom?" Charlie Bushnell asked. The alpha was looking down at his phone as he spoke, only looking up when I didn't answer. It was like the moment Malachi wasn't in sight he felt the need to talk to me.

"He follows you around like security. Don't you think you have enough of that already?" The boy smirked. Charlie was an interesting character. I knew he liked me. It was so obvious that he'd joke about it, but all he did was make me uncomfortable. Honestly his good looks let him get away with most things. Charlie was tall, muscular, dark haired, and the alpha everyone wanted me to be with. I'm sure all anyone asked him about was if he'd still go after me.

"Well, he is my boyfriend," I replied.

Charlie rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat. "If I were your boyfriend I'd let you do whatever you wanted. I wouldn't be hovering over you like some controlling freak," he said, glancing back at my dressing room.

"You don't even know Malachi. He's not controlling and he does allow me to do whatever I want. You're just jealous Charlie," I fired back. I knew never to raise my voice at an Alpha unless I knew them well. I had spent a lot of time studying how alphas would react when they thought they had power over you. So I was careful to watch my tone with Charlie.

"I am. Can you blame me Walker? You're the most beautiful boy I've ever encountered. Then he just walks in and all of sudden your pair bonded. That isn't fair. It should've been me," he muttered. The fact that he thought he had a chance was scary. Charlie was attractive, but that's all he ever was. His entire personality revolved around how attractive and famous he was. He was the messy kind of famous too. The kind that called the paparazzi on himself when he was doing something interesting.

As soon as I was about to tell him that I never liked him in that way, I felt Malachi standing behind me. I always smelled him before I saw him. It's how I knew where he was most of the time. "Hey, I'm just checking on you," he said, bending down to kiss my cheek. Charlie's eyes followed every move he made,  grimacing when I reached for Malachi's hand.

"Honestly, you deserve so much better," Charlie commented as he crossed his arms.

"Okay, what's your problem! You've been eyeing me ever since I started coming in here with Walker!" Malachi questioned with aggression. Charlie stood up, stepping into Malachi's face.

I quickly pulled back on Malachi's arm, redirecting his attention to me. "He's just jealous of the fact that you're my boyfriend. It isn't worth it," I explained, pulling my alpha closed to me while I glared at Charlie. He seemed to understand in that moment to back off. I could ruin his entire career. It was really the only good thing my fame gave me. The leverage I had when people would get to aggressive or try manipulate a situation I couldn't get out of was useful. I knew going to the media was something I could always use if things got out of hand.

"Whatever," Charlie scoffed, walking off towards the back of the studio. I had never seen him so pissed off before. If only I cared enough.

"You know you don't have to jump straight to fighting them off," I giggled at Malachi. The boy could be so quick to protect me.

Malachi looked down at me, every part of his face communicating how much he wanted to kiss me right now. "I know, but I can feel how uncomfortable they make you. It pisses me off," he replied. I hadn't taken into consideration why Malachi started coming with me to set. It was the place where I felt the least comfortable. It was also the place where I felt the most happy at times  which Malachi took notice of and I was starting to think he was catching onto my friendship with Aryan too. Not that it was a bad thing. I was going to introduce them both to each other. I just hadn't gotten around to it. Aryan was an Alpha, but a lot more reserved. We had literally become best friends within 20 minutes of talking to each other. He wasn't some muscle brained boy trying to get in my pants. He was different. A lot like Malachi in some ways.

"Does something else piss you off too?" I asked. Malachi looked surprised, quickly looking away from me when I gave him a knowing look. Him being jealous was cute.

"The boy...the one you're always talking to. He's the only guy besides your dad who makes you feel that way. It confuses me. Like I know how you feel when your with me is completely different but..."

I squeezed Malachi's hand finding it adorable how selfish he naturally was with me. He wanted all my attention which was expected. "It's okay if it bothers you, but trust me. Me and Aryan are just friends."

Malachi nodded, letting himself relax a little. "I'm sorry for being like this. I'm just overly cautious for no reason. I know you'd never be friends with someone who was interested in you. I'm just being stupid," Malachi sighed.

"No, you're being a good boyfriend," I giggled while pulling him towards Aryan's dressing room. I knocked first, hearing multiple voices before the door creaked open and half of Aryan's face peaked from behind the door.

"Hey Walker!" He exclaimed, fully opening the door. I was quickly pulled inside along with Malachi. The door was quickly shut as my eyes landed on Maxwell Jenkins and his omega. The couple looked at me then at Malachi, then back at me.

"Sorry for the awkwardness, I didn't want everyone knowing they were here. They actually wanted to ask you and Malachi a question," Aryan said as he sat down on the far side of the room.

I looked at Maxwell's mate, Drake. He was even more stunning in person. If the perfect omega existed, it was him. I never understood why that sentiment fell in my lap, when an omega like him existed. 

"Yes, like Aryan said, we have something to ask you two...well...invite you too really. We're having an engagement ceremony and we wanted to invite you both," Maxwell explained with a smooth tone.

"It's mostly private with the exception of a few famous guests of course. We really don't want the media there which is why we're hiding out in Aryan's dressing room," Drake clarified with the most elegant tone ever. He really was perfect. I couldn't help but admire him.

"Yes!" I spurted out nervously. The couple made me anxious for some reason.

"We'd love to come. When is it?" Malachi asked. I was thankful that he was able to sense that I was literally fanboying out right now.

"It's the day after Valentine's Day. We wanted to have on Valentine's Day but Drake made a point that most people would be celebrating with their lovers," Maxwell replied.

"Yeah, that makes sense. We're definitely going to be busy on Valentine's Day," Malachi smirked.

I turned in his direction. Looking up at him in confusion. "We are?"

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