Chapter 19: In Heat

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Flashing lights and red carpets were the nightmares of my dreams. I hated big televised events because everyone in the industry put on a fake smile for the cameras and the last place I wanted to be was at a table with Raphael with the camera panning to my face every five seconds. So imagine my surprise when I was at a table with Raphael and Charlie while separated from Malachi who was sat at a table with a mostly directors.

"If it isn't the most beautiful omega in..."

I didn't have time to be intimidated and harnessed all night long by stupid boys who couldn't accept that I'd never want them. Why couldn't they get over the fact that I was with Malachi.

"...don't look at me like that Walker. I was only telling everyone the truth. The people deserved to know. I just think it's so funny that our on screen time was so convincing, but off screen you're with him. It's seems a little weird that we don't even have a little history," Raphael smirked. He was becoming more and more insufferable the longer I spent with Malachi. At one point in time I thought he was a sweet alpha who just liked me, but now he was an asshole who was obsessed and I was debating on getting a restraining order if he kept it up.

"We don't have any history because I don't like you Raphael. Why don't you get that? Do you honestly think because I was all over you on screen that I want you in real life? I was know that's what we do. We act. I wasn't even thinking about you. I was thinking about Malachi every time I was forced to touch you. I literally hated every moment I spent with you that close to me because you weren't Malachi," I spat back. Raphael was now in disbelief, his eyebrow twitching and his eyes glaring at me. I felt a little intimidated, like he'd attempt to hurt me in some way. However, within seconds the boy was being blocked by Charlie.

"You need to get a grip bro. He said he doesn't like you like that," the tall alpha said. Charlie was a lot bigger and stronger than Raphael. So it didn't surprise me when the boy crossed his arms and looked the other way.

"Umm...thank you Charlie," I stammered. I found it a little weird that Charlie would be the one to defend me. He outwardly hated Malachi. The alpha shrugged, taking his seat. Charlie was messy and loved to manipulate the media to his liking, but when it came to me he was a lot more reserved and respectful for some reason. That lead me to believe that he truly did like me at one point and  it wasn't for the fame. That's why he was so upset about me being with Malachi.

"Yeah, don't mention it. I made a seating request for you. So Malachi should be moved here shortly. It doesn't make sense for you two to be at separate tables," the boy replied without looking at me. I felt a weird energy from him but it wasn't anything that was bad. It felt like he was trying his best to get over whatever feelings he had for me. He didn't like Malachi very much, but he still wanted to respect me, which I appreciated more than he'd ever know.

When Malachi was brought to my table by one of the staff people for the event, I quickly found myself in his arms, the cameras focusing in on us as the event started.

"Look at that, young love. If only I could get my imaginary wife to hug me like that," the host commented. After few laughs and forced jokes, the first award of the night was presented.

I could feel the camera attempting to get every reaction on my face for a category I wasn't even nominated for. However, Raphael was. I knew without a doubt that he'd win. It wasn't hard to admit that his performance on screen was near perfection and the fact that he had everyone convinced that I was into him despite being with Malachi was telling.

I watched as he walked onto stage confidently, taking his award. He then turned to the crowd full of actors and directors, smiling down at us like we were all of his pawns. "I want to thank the academy for choosing me. It's also an honor and a privilege to work beside so many hardworking and talented individuals. Especially my beautiful Walker..."

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