Chaptet 3: Alone

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Malachi's P.O.V

I had learned some time ago to control myself when an omega would fall into heat around me. My ex's cycles were always random and unpredictable, so I had trained myself to resist the temptation. Honestly, I think part of me understood that Ben never wanted me to do it with him the first place. I spent 2 years wondering when he'd be ready. I never made a big deal out of it and I never once questioned his reasoning for why he didn't want me there when he was in heat. I just figured he wasn't ready and feared possibly conceiving, but now it all made sense. He didn't want me at all. Something I was all to familiar with. Realizing that was the hardest part. How long had he felt that way? Since the beginning maybe? That couldn't have been it. When we started dating, he was very much into me. He liked me and I liked him. So what changed?

I sighed heavily, wishing I didn't think about it so much. He was gone and there was no point in harping over old memories and wishing he'd have a change of heart. I guess I couldn't really help it when I was alone. It was hard not to think about him when all of his things were gone. The little things around my apartment that were his were missing, leaving behind empty spaces that needed to be filled like the permanent smell of his scent. Ben had a light flowery  aroma to him that matched his delicate spirit. He didn't want to hurt me. I knew that because even when he did, he felt remorse. He was very aware of what he was doing to me and would accept any reaction I had. It was hard to be angry at someone who was genuinely sorry. I just wished I wasn't such a pushover sometimes. Just accepting it. Allowing him to just walk out. Not that I had a choice in the matter. Ultimately, it was his decision to be with someone who he actually wanted. Maybe this was by design. I was meant to go through this part of my life at the same time my character did. It was kind of ironic in a way.  I just wanted to feel wanted and so did my character. The only good thing out of this was Walker. He genuinely cared about how I was feeling. Ben did too, but never to that extent. My problems were always my problems and he never knew how to talk to me about it. He'd want for me to feel better and that was it. With Walker, I just felt him. His presence there with me. Even if he barely touched me. I could sense how much he cared. Then there was his scent. It was a completely different experience from any other scent I had smelled. I found myself hooked and wanting to claim it. Wanting to sink my teeth into his delicate neck and mark him. That thought alone frightened me because we were barely friends. We were barely talking to each other, yet the desire within me ran so deep. His cinnamon vanilla scent was the most delicious smell I had ever inhaled in my life. Leaving his house as quickly as possible was the only thing I could do to avoid what my own body wanted. I had never had such a strong and adverse reaction to a heat in that way.

I sighed again, fighting the urge to obsess over a boy who probably was only attempting to be my friend out of pity. I needed to get a grip. I was positive very few alphas had experienced such a thing and I wasn't supposed to be one of them. Walker was what every Alpha imagined a perfect male omega to be. The perfect height. The perfect weight. The perfect hair. The perfect eyes. That unknowing innocence he had. It made since why he was so protected. He had so much security at his house that I thought I was going to get killed when I arrived there. I was questioned to death and had to give them my I.D. at the front gate before Blair came to get me.

The sound of my phone buzzing startled me a little. I was so lost in thought about everything that the weight of the outside world seemed to fall onto my chest. I quickly grabbed my phone, looking at the caller I.D.

It was my father.

I was tempted to let it go to voicemail, but decided to answer it anyway.  There were only two reason my father would ever call me. The first being that someone was getting married or someone was dying. The second was if my half siblings were asking about me and wanted to gloat about their achievements.

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