The boy hunched over the sink, looking at the scar's reflection with distaste, and he started scratching it, hard. He cursed the lab, the drill masters, the task generals, all of it. He cursed them for everything they had done, he cursed himself for what he had done. He had killed them. He was the one with their blood on his hands. He was the real monster.

Looking up at his marred face in the glass, he scowled, punching the mirror and shattering his image, panting at the fury that ran through his veins, immune to the shards of his reflection that dug themselves into his skin as he curled up in himself on the marble floor. He started punching himself repeatedly, tears flowing from his eye, trying to feel even a fraction of the pain that he had caused them, his comerades, wanting to somehow stop the strangling emotion tangling itself in his chest. Fumbling around, his hand got sliced on a particularly long fragment of the glass. He picked it up and drew deep, uneven lines into his forearm, trying to make up for all the bloodshed he had caused. His nails grew long as his eye turned red, teeth baring in anger as he trembled until-


Aizawa stood in the doorway, out of breath. His quirk was activated; everything around [Name] stopped as he looked up, caught like a deer in headlights.

The two were silent for a moment until Aizawa strode over to the boy, glass crinkling under his shoes harmlessly. He knelt down and slowly took the bloodied shard [Name] had in his hand, throwing it aside before holding the teen's trembling hands.

"'m sorry... 's my fault, 'm really sorry..."

The man shushed him, recognising the cloudy, faraway look in his eyes hinting that he wasn't fully present in the moment. Familiar with this situation, he took account of [Name]'s injuries; most obviously, the ones on his forearm, but also the bloodied scratches on his neck and blooming bruises on his torso. He glanced momentarily at the boy's uncovered left eye, iris still black but split by the long, clumsy scar etched on his features.

Aizawa kept the boy's hands clasped together between himself and the other as he enclosed him in his embrace, rubbing soothing circles into [Name]'s back, coaxing him back to reality from whatever nightmare he may be experiencing. It was rare to experience a semblance of vulnerability of the teen, who had been conditioned since youth for the exact opposite. But now, at his extreme lowest, Aizawa supported him instead of berating the boy, which further strengthened their growing bond.

[Name] slowly stopped shaking before gulping in deep breaths of air. The haze in his eye had cleared, leaving the panicked pupil blown out and trembling as he realized the situation he was in. He tried to push the adult away when a sudden sharp pain jolted up his nerves. He whimpered, quirk still weakened from shock, healing properties not working. The boy got a sense of déjà vu from Tartarus as Aizawa tightened his hold, still shushing him as he would a child.

"You back?"

The quiet murmur slowly made its way to [Name]'s attention as he started to calm down. Unable to speak, he just nodded. Silent tears were streaming down his cheeks as Aizawa made to place his hand on his nape, softly caressing the mid-length hair covering the uneven skin. His touch soothed the burning branding on the side of his neck, letting the boy relax.

" you wanna talk about it?"

[Name] gripped Aizawa's front, starting to shiver again. The hero recognized his discomfort.

"You don't have to, we can leave it at that-"

"No, I want to."

With a shuddering breath, [Name] told him of his past.

[Name] was born in a lab with white hair that matched his pure, pearled eyes. He was gifted with a powerful quirk at birth, an extremely rare case, which first only showed as extreme regeneration. The men that owned him were determined to make him their weapon for their organisation, Necrosis.

Devil's Bargain - MHA Various X M!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें