chapter 12

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"Why?" He turns around, facing me. his gold and blue eyes looking at me with pure confusion and a little bit of concern.

"why what Ashley?"

"I heard somewhere that the Etherians started the war. that we attacked them and pushed them to their very limits? I want to hear your side of the story." I demand.

"Now Ashley, where did you get such an unreasonable story like that?" his eyes flashed.

"A victim." I answer simply.

His eyes widen for a second in fear before returning back to that soothing smile, that wasnt very soothing at all, and kept up the facade i clearly saw through.

He put a hand on my shoulder and looked down at me. "Ashley, i thought you were smart enough to see through that elfs lies."

"Im smart enough to believe him and know that he was telling the truth, he had genuine sadness in his eyes! The same fury i felt when Della died was so clearly projected in his own expression just please be truthful to me Chen, what happened?" I begged.

Please tell me this is all a story, that you didnt murder innocents, Chen wouldnt have right? He would never have done something like that.

The Etherial kingdom is all about teaching their people to the right thing, to support one another, we tried to make peace with the elves but they just ignored it, they refused, and they attacked us Right? I had hope spiralling in my chest, but all was diminished when Chen said 'its true.'

I was crestfallen." But Ashley you have to listen to me, elves do nothing but hurt us. He is trying to manipulate you, he will take your defeat and turn into one of his successions he-" "were they innocents?" I interrupt him, He sighs. "Theyre not innocent Ashley, none of them." "what about the children?" "listen to me. Everything that you have learned, its not all black and white. We would never hurt innocent creatures, enemies or not, thats just not who we are. Okay?" I stare at him. Why am i having doubts? Am i seriously going to believe an elf over my trainer? I take a deep breath, Ill sort out my thoughts later, i nod. He smiles, "good, now you have an official guarding t get to in 45 minutes, go get ready ill send another guard to replace the security on the prince." "Okay Chen, Im sorry for my outburst, i just thought-" that i was lying to you?" He finished. "Yeah, i cant believe i believed an elf over you, gods Im stupid."

"Elves have that effect on people, especially young guards like you." He ruffles my hair. "Now get to your room, youve wasted 5 minutes." He says jokingly. "Okay okay Im going!" I laugh.

While Im down the hallway Im thinking of our conversation. I was thinking of his expressions that he was making, how he ruffled my hair, how he acted like a dad. Now of course he would do that when we were alone but we were in a hallway, of people walking past us, security cameras all round us. Im not stupid, it was obvious he was lying, Ive come to learn that hes really bad at lying. But the question is, why? Why was he lying? Why did the Etherians provoke th elves? Who really started the war between us and the world?

oh gods, the crazy dream lady was right. and that is a sentence I never thought I would say, or in this case, think.

but If theres one thing that stands out the most about me, is that when i have questions, i need answers.

and thankfully, there's an elf, and a victim, waiting in a confined cell dying of boredom that would love to chat.

Leyla's POV

I was sitting in my bed throwing a rock up and catching it.

Over, and over, and over again.

I was pondering over my day, the goods and the bads. Ashley has had full day shifts with the prisoner so I unfortunately I don't get to see her often, and when she finally gets back she to tired to keep he eyes open. My mind flashed back to Ashley and Is conversation 4 days ago.

"You are? I thought youd be mad". She stopped jumping.

"Mad!? I'm the complete opposite! This is your dream that you have worked so hard for, why would I be mad?"

"Because you arent an official guard."

I inwardly chuckle, oh how wrong she is.

I'm happy for her, really. I dont care about that kind of stuff, as long as Im out helping my kingdom I dont care about titles. But she, oh she has been obsessed with this her entire time at the orphanage, ever since I met her she watched the guards with wide eyes, assessing their moves.

The way the walk, the way they talk, the way the act. Her wide hazel eyes following them wherever they go, her brown hair usually tied up in a messy bun or ponytail so that some strands fall around her face.

And when she met Chen, I think that when it really started becoming a dream for her. Chen started teaching her how to fight with a sword at a younger age than most, he began to act as a role model around Ashley, and I think she still looks up to him.

For reasons I dont understand,, she looks at him like he must always be right, like he has all of the knowledge in the world.

I scoff in disgust at the thought, what does Ashley see that's so great in him? Hes just an egotistical old man.

A creak came from the door and I look in the direction, unfortunately that meant I lost my concentration and the rock I was throwing up and down landed on my face.

I jolted upright in a cry of pain ow! I yell. I hear a laugh, a musical laugh that I wish I could listen too on repeat. I turn around to see Ashley in all of her glory, laughing her head off.

"Did you- did you seriously drop a rock on your forehead??" She laughs. I cant help but notice how happy she looks, and I feel complete when I know that I was the one that made her look like that. I smirk, "part of the act."

"Speaking of acts Chen is acting weird." Ash says, suddenly becoming serious sitting beside me.

"When is he not?" I joke, trying to keep a humorous atmosphere between us. But she doesnt even look like she heard me.

"I confronted him about something that the prince was telling me, he told me that the elf wasnt telling the truth-" "and hes probably right, you cant trust an elf ash, theyre nothing but trouble." I interrupt.

"But the thing was he was lying, the way he was acting, the nervous twiddling of his fingers behind his back, the guarded expression, somethings up Leyla." She states, it wasnt a question, she said it like a fact.

"Or maybe your just paranoid, you havent had much sleep lately and it could just be that its catching up with you?" I question.

"No Leyla I swear somethings up, not everything is like they say it is." She presses.

"Ashley, 4 days ago we had a fight against multiple highly trained elves and since then you refuse to get checked out for injuries, and your sleep deprived. You could have a concussion for all we know, so your going to bed the moment the ceremonys over tonight, ok?"

After I said that she sighs, defiance and annoyance flashing between her eyes.

" Fine ill go get ready, but I swear something is going on and I will find out." she says walking away, pointing directly at me. I inwardly chuckle,

knowing you, you probably will, Ashley Parker.

A/N 1331 words

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