Chapter 1

17 4 10

Ashleys POV

1 year later

I wake up to the sound of my name being screamed in my ear, i jolt upwards and bash faces with the very figure that woke me.

"Ow!" The voice whined. "Leyla! What are you doing? It's 5 in the fricking morning!" I whisper yell not wanting to wake all of the other girls, that were...not in the room?

"Ashley, there was a power outage in the night, it's 9:00" she said rubbing her nose. "

Ash, i think you broke it."

"Yeah, well it wouldn't be the first time." I joke.

Suddenly, a little ding comes from Leylas pocket. "Oh crap, we've got to be at school. Like, NOW." She says urgently. She throws some of my clothes at me and tells me to get changed and then dragged me out of my bed into the bathroom.

Sighing, i get myself ready for my last day of school. Thank the gods it's the last day, i dont think I could take any more without a break.

Once ready i stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a plain white T-shirt with my hair in a messy bun, i pick up my backpack and sling it over my shoulder to leave for school.

Outside the orphanage Leyla was looking at her watch tapping her foot impatiently.

Leyla was wearing black shorts with a blue and white stripped tank top, Leyla had her blonde hair with bangs and royal blue highlights only spreading 1 or 2 inches from the ends of the hair in a ponytail. Her golden glasses perched up against her freckled face magnifying her deep blue eyes.

"Finally! Ash what took you so long?" I started to answer but she interrupted me by saying "doesn't matter, we missed the bus so we have got to walk there."

She strolled up to me and grabbed my hand pulling me down the path. "Have you heard what today is?" She asked. "No, should i?" I respond.

"Did you know that this is the 1 year anniversary from our victory when the sonorous attacked the temple?" She said.

The Sonorous were one of the most feared races. They are said to be these horrific creatures that will kidnap children who dare to enter the jungle and into their territory.

Teeth as sharp as knives, blood red eyes planning and calculating every outcome with white hair as dirty as their souls.

Our kingdom has only survived their attacks because of our temple, the Etherial temple. The Etherial temple is said to have unlimited strength buried inside of it.

If the Sonorous found a way to enter the temple, that could mean the end of our race, The Etherians.

I was so lost in thought i hadn't realized that Leyla was talking to me. "Hmm?" "Did you hear anything i just said?" She asked annoyed. "Umm i heard temple." I smartly replied. She sighed in exasperation.

"Ashley! They're coming to the orphanage to train the younger recruits to be on the Etherial guard! Isn't it going to be exhausting? We get new training partners, and little kids at that!" She spoke at a rapid pace, continuing to rant about it.

if i wasn't used to deciphering her supersonic talking then i wouldn't have heard what she said. "That amazing!"i squealed.

Ive always dreamt about the possibility of me, being on the guard. Now i am, Defending my kingdom from the people that wish to tear it down.

If i could just finish my guard training and become an official... well then, maybe people will see me as i truly am. Not some skimpy little girl with her head in books and dreams, but a defender of my people. A warrior, a soldier.
What nobody expects, but what everybody respects.

And now we get to welcome new recruits, each with their own goal and dream. Even if leyla doesn't share my opinion.

Classes were boring as usual, during lunch i hung out with Leyla who was really the only person would talk to me.

After classes i was waiting for Leyla  when screams erupted from the streets behind me, i looked over my shoulder to see a crowd forming. "Hey! Im here." Leyla announces. I look her over, she was smiling but there was something coloured on her cheek, a very subtle green oval on her right cheek. "Leyla! What happened!?" I exclaim.

"Hey, calm down. Nothing happened, just a little bit of a disagreement with a classmate. I won though, if you're wondering."

She spoke casually with a mischievous grin on her face as if she didn't just tell me that she beat up a kid in our class.

I facepalm, sometimes i wonder why i hang out with her, it wouldn't really look good on my record, its not  a really good strategy if your planning on getting adopted. Not that i even want to, the only mom and dad i want is MY mom and dad.

I quickly wipe away the thought, dang it im getting to emotional. Leylas looking at me with confusion. Deep breaths, in and out. Calm down and smile. I open my eyes and tell Leyla im fine. I walk down the steps toward the crowd.


"Yeah Leyla?"

"Are you sure your fine?" She whispers softly.

"You know I'll be here for you when ever you need me." She says with a comforting smile. "I know you'll always be there for me Leyla, that what makes you an amazing friend, but i assure you, there's nothing wrong with me." I respond. "Come on! Let's see what's going on."

A/N 948 words, also i am not an insanely fast writer, i started to write this story on a website called Just Write. Really good quality app if your interested and i got to chapter 20 (that's not even halfway through lol)and my friend convinced me to post it on here, their account mochamalts133 is go check their stories out! There very good. Another friend that motivated this is sourgummyworm69

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