❁Chapter One❁

Start from the beginning

I put my phone down smiling. I can't let Derek ruin another day of mine, especially after finally getting my head out of the situation. I was finally getting over his shit.

Me and Derek dated for almost an entire year, we met while working as camp councillors for a kids summer camp. He loved hiking, camping, anything woodsy and so do I. We clicked immediately. We'd secretly make love late at night in the woods, it was sexy. He is a big muscular guy, especially for a teenager. I truly loved him.

After summer camp we officially got together, met each others families. I fell hard for him. I've been with a lot of guys, but he was just... different.

Then a couple weeks ago I found out he was cheating. I couldn't believe it at first, it wasn't until Constance gave me proof that it really hit me. That he just lost my trust with a snap of a finger. I've had a rough couple of weeks but I'm finally realizes that he isn't worth crying over.

But now he is texting me and begging for me to get back with him. What an idiot.

But I can't let a guy like him ruin my weekend. I'm going to go out to the Foreshore boardwalk and have a great time.

There is only a few months left until I graduate, I can't spend that time wallowing in misery. I have to pick myself up.

The time reads 8:02 on my alarm clock, might as well get breakfast if I plan on going on a walk before we leave.

I leave my room and head towards the kitchen. That's when I noticed Kieran was already sitting at the table. He actually kind of startled me. Why is he up so early?

"Kieran?" I ask, weary.

"Yeah?" He replies, crunching on cereal and not looking up from his phone.

"You're up early"


I ignore that small reply and head to make my own bowl of cereal.

Kieran is my baby brother. Well kinda. If by 3 minutes count. Both born December 7th. We are twins, but that's not hard to pick out. He quite literally is the male version of me. From the light brown hair, the height, the blue eyes, to even the slightest bit of freckles. And the same bold personalities.

But because I'm exactly 3 minutes older, I tease him everyday for it. I'm very protective of him, I just hope he's not as bad of a man as Derek is.

We sit in silence, chewing on our Toast Crunch. It's awkward, which is unusual.

"I read your blog post" Kieran states randomly.

"Really? Thought you hated my blog" I reply.

"Had nothing better to do" he smirks jokingly.

I laugh at him, "seriously why are you up so early, you usually sleep in scary late. Anything wrong?"

He shrugs, "Nope I'm all good. But I'm really tired cause of it."

"I can tell" I laugh.

"Any plans today?" He asks, making conversation.

"Yeah I'm going to Foreshore with the girls"

"Boring" he sings. "I am going to rot in my room until I have to leave for baseball"

"Sounds like a very smart idea." I roll my eyes. "Are you planning another party tonight?"


"Wait really? You always have one when Mom and Dad are gone."

"They're gone again next weekend so I'm planning a big one."

"Gone again?" I'm not surprised. They own a business together and are always gone on business trips. It was fine at first but now it's getting annoying. It used to be exciting because we would secretly plan these great parties but now that we've done it so many times it's starting to get old. Our parents wouldn't care anyways as long as we clean up afterwards, so it loses the omg we are breaking the rules factor.

"Yeah they called me last night and told me."


"That means you can have your girls over for like a sleepover or something. I don't have plans so."

"That's actually not a bad idea, I could use that right now." I say take another spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" He asks.

"Derek texted me this morning." I break the news.

Kieran stiffens and the air suddenly goes heavy. I tell him everything, he knows every detail about our situation. Him and Derek used to get along so well, now every time I say his name he looks like he's about to punch something.

"What did he say?"

"He begged for me back" I shrug.

"You said no right?"

"I said nothing."

"Even better." He pauses, "How are you feeling?"

"Good actually. Maria and Connie always make everything better."

Kieran smiles and goes to put his empty bowl in the sink. Before he leaves the room he gives me a sympathetic hug.

"You don't deserve anybody that treats you like that Katy" He says.

"Thanks Kieran, I appreciate it" I say as he lets go.

His face goes serious, "If you ever need me to beat him up, just say the word."

"Have you seen him? He benches double what you bench." I laugh. "He's an idiot though, so beat him in a game of chess or something."

"Jeez Katy you're making me sound like a nerd." He rolls his eyes, laughs then leaves.

Maybe I should have the girls over for some kind of sleepover to get my mind off of things. And Kierans friends won't get in the way, even better. Whenever we both have sleepovers at the same time, Kierans friends spend the entire time flirting with Constance which sucks for everyone. I mean she is the beauty of the friend group. Maria is the brain. I guess I'm the strength.

Which reminds me, I should get on my morning walk.

❀ ✽TO - DO - LIST✽❀ (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now