[ 8 ] Bound to You

Start from the beginning

Randhir was pacing back and forth out of the OT. He had left the funeral after receiving the call from George. He was scared and tried not fell weak but it's not working anymore.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shekhawat. We tried but couldn't save the child. The mother's condition is critical. If you want then you can see the baby." The doctor said.

Randhir stumbles on his feet hearing this and George supports him. Later, he was taken to the room where their babygirl was kept and he took her in his trembling hands. Tears rolls on his cheeks seeing his almost grown babygirl who is no more alive. He cried hugging his little princess.


Randhir enters the room and his mother looks at him. She was in the prison.

"My son, finally. You're here." She said happily.

"Why did you do that?" He asked straightway.

"She is not good girl for you. She is bitch. That baby is not yours." She replied.

"And who you to decide?" He asked back.

"I'm your mother. I was just protecting you from that bitch." She said.

"Enough. Do you even realized what fucking you did? You killed my unborn baby. You fucking killed my baby." Randhir said loudly.

"But I want to protect you." He said trying to reach him but the chains around her wrists don't let her touch.

"Fucking stop. You didn't protect me. You ruined my life. Always. I was happy. You snatched my happiness. You snatched everything from me." Randhir said angrily and banged his hands on the table.

"I... Randhir..."

"You killed my daughter. You hurt my wife. You ruined my family. Why? What's my fault? Why you can't see my happiness?" He asked as tears rolls on his cheeks.

"Daughter?" She asked in cracked voice.

"We're having babygirl but you killed her. What kind of mother you are? You ruined your own son's happy life. I'll never forgive you for this. Not in this life nor in next lives. May you get what you actually deserves and I'll make sure you see the hell from the earth. No child deserve a mother like you." Randhir said wiping his tears.

"I carried you for nine months and in return you're giving this to me?" She asked with teary eyes.

"For that, I'm grateful to you. But killing my unborn baby isn't forgivable. You carried me for nine months and what about my baby? She was in her mother's womb but you didn't think for a once before stabbing her. You hurt the woman who is my wife. You hurt my family. So you'll get what actually you deserve." He said going from there.

She stands there crying and regretting her deeds but it's too late. It's too late to regret that can't be mend ever.


Three Months Later

It's been three months passed to that incident. Things have changed a lot. Sanyukta has stopped talking to everyone. She don't smile nor she cry. All the time she just starred at random things in front of her eyes.

What has not changed? Randhir's care for her. Even though she don't reply, he continues to talk with her. He spends more time with her. He is supporting her and doing his best to bring her back to normal life. He is hiding his pain to make her smile.

It's just another night and Randhir was cracking silly jokes.

"Stop, Randhir." Sanyu said getting up and about to go inside but he held her hand.

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