Birthday traditions

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After our dance ended we got Jayce and Irene and left immediately. The first place we'd gone to was the wine cellar, of course we'd have to enjoy a drink together before doing anything too ludicrous.

The four of us went there like a bunch of children, giggling and running. No one noticed. That was the best part. After we went there, I took a bottle of Brandy for myself and Sofia, jokingly passed along gin to Irene before giving her scotch and offered a sherry to Jayce.

I took four glasses and we each poured one for ourselves.

"Shall I make a toast?" said Sofia.

"This isn't champagne, dear." I said in response.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, to Claire!" She raised her own glass and clinked it with the others.

"Now, have you had a full castle tour?" I asked Jayce.

"No, not yet. Shall we?" He said as he placed his glass on the floor.

We were all quick to follow, and we left the wine cellar. The "tour" had begun at the library, as my tour fpr Sofia had begun all those years ago. I showed him my little corner by the window with a bundle of books.

The next part on the tour was the main meeting room. It was a rather boring room with just a table and chairs. There were a few portraits displayed but nothing too interesting.

After that, we showed him every room until we reached my own.

"You know, I find it quite unfair." Jayce sat at my bed, legs crossed.

"Pardon?" I didn't know what he meant.

"Your castle appears to be bigger and more interesting than mine."

"Well, that's because our entire kingdom's main power is finance. You lot are more on the unstoppable army front."

"Well, yeah. But still! I was clearly born to live in luxury not the battlefield."

"So you don't have interest in the army? I would definitely take up the offer but I can't." Ieene joined.

"Wait, you want to do something like that?" Me and Sofia both were in shock.

"I suppose. Maybe it's this desire for importance."

"Woah, this conversation became so deeply rooted. Guess you can thank me for beginning it." Jayce said as he stood and posed as if he were preaching, but then sat back down by the side of my bed, "But you wouldn't enjoy the army. Trust me." His voice faltered a bit.

"We havent seen the garden yet. Let's go to the garden!" Sofia said so nonchalantly, like she wasnt even here for the earlier part.

Well, it didnt matter much. All four of us ran down once more, shockingly without tripping, but as we went we saw someone. Someone only me and Irene recognized.

The fellow from the village yesterday was attending the ball. Both lrene and I recognized him and looked at each other.

"What's wrong?" Sofia asked.

"Well, see that really tall young man with the blonde hair next to Amelia?" Irene began.

"When me and Irene went out to the village in secret as a little celebration, he saw us." I finished.

"You went out to the village alone?! Why?" Sofia asked again as Jayce nodded in the back with disapproval.

"We were just having fun- but! It resulted in me and Irene bondibg so please realize it wasn't that bad." I was definitely trying to make excuses.

"Wait! He looked this way. Walk. Now." Jayce told us.

Sofia then went on a lecture on how royals never interact with common folk like that and the dangers and something else until we reached the garden and she got distracted by the pretty flowers.

We went around the whole castle at that point, leaving only my garden.

It was shocking how peaceful the day had carried on. I expected some word of a suitor, or some new issue, but instead I had managed to enjoy a lively day with my only friends. Them being my only friends may sound pitiful but that's just how it was.

The four lf us continued chatting, about nothing in particular. Maybe a little of eveything. Reminisced the past, anticipated the future and recapped the present.

Sofia and Jayce would be getting engaged in 3 weeks and this was no coincidence being close to my birthday as they saw it easiest for guests if those from far countries visiting. It was quite concerning to me. Marriage being a form of diplomacy. It'd been done multiple times over but still. I longed to have a loving relationship with Sofia, but I know even if thats achieved I wont be able to marry her. I'll always envy Jayce on that front even if I think highly of him.

"Hello? Claire? Shall we head back into the ballroom? It's nearly 6." Sofia nudged my shoulder and said.

"Yes, that seems right to do."

We all went back to the ballroom and saw the familiar young man. He gave me a smile but I shrugged it off and smiled back. it was likely to be a formality and he didn't recognize me.

Well, with that, the main part of my birthday ended without further events. Honestly, I'm just shocked I get away with leaving for half of the party each year.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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