Just the preparations

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I'd awoke before dawn broke. The sky was still dark, and I hadn't seen a single trace of light. I was restless. 

The ball would begin exactly at 2 in the afternoon, but I'd have to prepare starting 10 in the morning. I'd have to spend until 3:30 greeting the guests, I'd sneak off with Sofia after that, like every year since my sixth birthday. Since Irene is here this year, she shall join. Maybe Jayce as well. If any guest were to arrive after 3:30 they'd have to wait until 6 when the sun begins to set to greet me. This year, I'll be wearing the crown my mother wore for her engagement. The crown with pink diamonds encrusted into its silver mold. I'd be wearing a pink ball gown with white lace trimming over it and ribbons.

I continued going over the agenda at least five times while laying down and staring up at the ceiling. I wasn't sure what else to think of. Maybe Sofia. Her smile. Her hair. Her eyes. The soft scent of corn poppies on her at all times. The glow of her skin in the sun. Those thoughts echoed through my mind, images flashing and all as I'd repeated the agenda once more before finally getting up.

I wasn't sure what to do, so I peeked out the window. The moon wasn't in sight. I crept out my room, heading to the roof. Then I saw the moon. Not in her full glory, but in the shape of a fading crescent. I was hazy, not thinking well, but I sat down. My hairs softly poking my face, irritating my eyes. My shoes luminated by the dim moonlight. I wasn't fully conscious, but it felt like the only time of peace before I'd have to get involved with the matters of my own party. Hence, I just stayed there, spacing out. It felt odd to stay so thoughtless.

Eventually, the sun rose. I saw it as the morning hues slowly painted the skies. I'd rushed to my room before the servants would come to check on my state. I entered my room, quietly shut the door and got startled. Evergreen jumped onto me. I spent a few minutes playing with her, and eventually fell asleep with her next to me.

"Wake up, wake up. You must eat, and then get prepared, my Highness." It was Amelia. 

"Mm? I'm awake." I rubbed my eyes and looked for my kitten, "Where's the cat?"

"With Mary. So, you must go to dine, quick." She spoke in a very stern voice, with the most generous smile. I never knew how she'd do both at once.

After a fine breakfast I'd went to prepare for my ball. I was in the dress I'd thought. My hair was done in a lovely double bun, with flowers 'round it. My mother's crown complimented it much further.

The maidservants had finished helping me get ready an hour early, and then went to further adorn the ballroom. It was quite hectic.

At exactly 1:15 Sofia's family arrived, with Jayce. As they always have. My parents are good friends with the duke and duchess, resulting in my relationship with Sofia. My parents were in one of the smaller meeting rooms, where the duke and duchess went. Sofia and Jayce stayed in the ballroom with me.

"Where's Irene?" She asked as she stood next to me near the thrones where I sat.

"Whose Irene?" Jayce asked.

"Out playing in the gardens with Evergreen, she'll be back by 1:45. Until then, you should go meet her Jayce. I'm sure you'll get along!" I said in a slightly sarcastic voice and he went alone with it.

"Then, could I ask you something?" Sofia said


"Before we all leave, as usual, can I have a dance with you? The first one."

I was a bit taken aback. "Um, of course. But wouldn't you prefer it with Jayce?"

"No, I'd prefer it with you. Also, don't worry. After that one dance we can rush around as usual."

"Wait, do you want to practice?"

"That would be splendid! We'll be perfectly in sync then." She extended her hand to me, I took it and stood up.

Immediately, she pulled me close. She placed my hand around her waist, as hers was on my shoulders and we grasped on to each others' hands with the free hand. We moved back and forth, face to face.

I tripped, and she tripped along with me. I laughed, she just smiled and looked at me. She looked at me with so much love in her eyes, but I wasn't sure if it was platonic or romantic. I was just glad she loved me. We waltzed in silence for a bit longer without getting tired. 

Finally we stopped. But we were still holding on to each other. Sofia leaned into me, rested her head on my other shoulder, and she said something. It was muffled, I didn't know what she said. I barely heard her. I just embraced her.

"So, we got this dance all set, yes?" She perked her head up at me and spoke.

"Yeah, I guess we do." I grinned back at her and got startled as the doors flew open; it was Jayce and Irene.

"What were you both doing?" Irene asked in a childish manner.

"We were simply learning to dance."

"Do you do it well?" Jayce just had to add.

"I'd hope so."

"Can Evergreen dance?" Irene continued the teasing.

"Better than you." Sofia finally put an end to it.

Amelia walked in, "It's almost time for the guests to arrive, Your Highness sit in your throne, My Lady stand next to her, Irene stay at a distance and Sir you may have a seat with Irene if you wish." Amelia began giving out orders as she was anxious. Obviously, we all obliged.

My parents, too had come to their thrones.  With the duke and duchess sitting with Jayce and Irene as all were well acquainted. One of the first guests to arrive were Jayce's family members. Their marriage was simply for diplomacy after all.

The first one hour and thirty minutes were dull. That is all I shall say. After the time had passed, the dances had begun. With that, Sofia let out a sly smirk and said: "May I have this dance?"

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