Conversation with a so-called rival

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I wake from my short slumber to find myself laying down on the fields hugging Sofia tightly. I mumble something as I sit up.

"Oh, you're awake?" She asks as she gets up as well.

"Yes, how long was I asleep?" I'm rubbing my eyes, trying to snap back into reality.

Sofia takes her pocket watch and checks the time. "It's only a quarter to 7" 

I spring up and pull her up.

"God, what were you doing all this time?" I look around while asking.

"I was switching from watching you sleep-" I immediately cut her off.

"You creep! You know, watching the crown princess could get you into trouble." I say, in the most dramatic voice I could.

"You just love pulling that card, don't you?" She said. stretching out her arms.

"Haha, only with you. What else were you doing?" I'm finally awake, now.

"Watching the stars."

I look up, my eyes flashed. How did I never notice? The sky was cluttered with stars, small dots of light. It wasn't purely blue, either. Light and dark shades of purple seeped out into the skies as well, complemented by the bright stars. Shining brighter than the rest.

"See? It's easy to get lost in." Sofia interrupted my thoughts (she often does, just differently) by waving her hand in front of my face. "Anyways, would you like to meet with Jayce?'' 

"I- That's a bit sudden." Of course I didn't want to meet him properly, he's the one taking my girl away.

"Oh trust me, he's very similar to you." She took hold of my hands, "Please? Just for me?"

Shit. I felt a dagger through my heart every time she'd made that expression. I couldn't refuse her, and to some extent, she knew that.

"You know what? Sure. When?"

She let out a squeal and hugged me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Honestly, any time that you can, we don't have much to tend to regarding the marriage now."

"Well, let's go home now?"

I went to look for Autumn. We found him running around the fields, with Evergreen. They seem to be friends, of a sort.

I'd took Autumn to drop off Sofia, but then idea struck. I could get this over with soon.

"Um, could I meet with Jayce at this moment?" I asked, with an edge in my voice.

"Yeah! He's usually in the library at this time. Books are also something you both have in common, he's just like you." She was definitely attempting to persuade me into liking him, won't work, though.

I begrudgingly entered the library, there he was. A candelabra lit in the corner. He waved at me, I awkwardly waved back and made it up to him.

"Are you a fan of Shakespeare?" He asked, adjusting his spectacles. He was quite handsome. A messy haired brunette, hazel eyes and pale skin. 

Huh, he quite resembled me as well.

"Oh, yes, I've quite enjoyed his work since childhood."

"What do you think of Romeo and Juliet, the famous star-crossed lovers?"

"They should've expected their relationship to end badly. Sure, they loved each other but sometimes love isn't meant to be."

"Still, risking it all for a love, noble isn't it?"

"I guess, but why waste your time on a love that you can't even pursue?"

"Why don't you ask yourself that question?"

"Pardon? Whatever could you mean?"

"You love Sofia, not in the way I do."

"Clearly, she's my closest friend and you're the man she's marrying."

"It's an arranged marriage, I only consider her as a friend. But you, you yearn for her. I can see it in your eyes."

"I... you're the first person to find out.'

"Haha, you've finally let your guard down in front of me. Now, I want all the details, since when did you like her?"

"Excuse me!? Were you looking forward to talking about my love life this entire evening?"

"Yes, but that's not the point, you're avoiding the question."

"So you admit it?"

"Yes, what's the point in denying it? So, please tell me all the specifics on your love for her."

"Why are you interested?"

"Romance fascinates me."

"Find your own love."

"I can't. I'm not interested in women, nor am I in men. I'd rather stand by and help my friends. Oh! Another question, would you consider me a friend?"

"Maybe, you're quite likeable considering how I thought of you before. Also, how do you lack interest for anyone?"

"It's always been like this, I've never fallen in love, and I doubt I ever will. So, now will you tell me about you and Sofia?"

"I fell for her since I was 6, it was the day I saw her at my birthday gala. Both of us snuck off and spent the day all to ourselves, it was the first birthday I'd enjoyed."

"Then? How about after you grew older?"

"We became inseparable, I suppose."

"Oh, that makes sense. All she ever rambles on about is how much she misses you. Also, how was it growing up with feelings for her?"

"I'd never told anyone, except for the royal cook. She fully supported me, but told me to keep it a secret. I didn't know why at the time, but later I understood. I tried to get rid of my feelings at some point as well."

"Well, now I know about your feelings too. Keep me posted on anything that happens."

"You know what? You're a lot better than I expected."

"Is that a compliment?"

"Absolutely. I'll write to you to update you on my situation, except I'll use an alias. I quite hope the both of us can grow closer."

"I've always hoped you'd say that, you're interesting, you know."

"But Sofia said we were very similar."

"In a way, we are? I'm not certain what goes on in her hea-"

Our conversation interrupted by the door swinging open. It was Sofia. She rushed up to our table, sitting down next to me. She looked so eager.

"So? So? Are you both friends now?" She's so needlessly enthusiastic, it's adorable.

"Yes, the bestest of friends, no?" Jayce said, with a soft chuckle.

"Indubitably." I agreed, flashing him a smug look.

"Hey! You're my closest friends, you're supposed to get along, but not leave me out!" Sofia remarked, resting her head on the desk.

"Don't worry, you won't be replaced." Both of us responded at the same time.

"No way! You're even telepathically communicating already." She was pouting, I patted her head to calm her down.

"You know telepathy isn't real, right?" Like that, the three of us spent the rest of the night getting to know each other more and more.

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