Chapter 9

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Before starting, sorry for the wait lmao but now I'm back! (doesn't mean I'll write every day and stay motivated but for now, I'm back)

Also, you'll notice that I changed from present to past tense because this is simply for the better (I write better in past tense.)

ENJOY!! Omg I missed them


"A bit to the right," She said, and I turned my head so she could clean the left side of my wounded face.

Nate had insisted on helping me clean the wounds Ms Violence had inflicted. I tried to convince her, but Natalie Elirrah always managed to have the last word, unfortunately. So here I was, shirtless, letting her clean the wounds with a bottle of disinfectant.

Being shirtless had become less and less an issue with time. When I hit puberty, I was the one being the most modest and ashamed when it was about my body. I started getting uncomfortable whenever one of my siblings would see me clothesless.

Nate would always tell me, "I'm your older sister dumbass. I couldn't give a shit less about your body". With time, I became careless about it.

"So," She broke the silence I didn't even notice settled in. "What's all that about?"

"What all that?"

"The fight."

"I told you, she jumped at me like a fucking animal. I couldn't do anything."

"Don't tell me you didn't defend yourself."

"Who do you think I am," I frowned.

She smirked, hiding her pride.

"Why'd she start fighting?"

"I asked for the rent and she didn't have it. She thought I was gonna kill her and went crazy. I mean I don't blame her, Al was not very nice the first time he asked her."

"I mean, that's Al what can I say. He's father's bestfriend, threatening someone with a gun is the nicest thing he could do," She joked. "How come she had the confidence? Was she stronger or something?"

"All the opposite. She's small and doesn't even reach my face, I bet she weights not even half of what I could lift."

She chuckled. "She definitely hurt your ego."

"Absolutely not."

She kept her mocking smile.

"I bet she just got too confident with her boxing lessons." I remark.

"How'd you know she's taking boxing lessons?"

Our eyes locked and I stayed silent.

She sighs. "Ok forget I said anything I don't wanna hear about your stalker habits."

"I don't have stalker habits!"

"My ass."

"Anyway, she's just the type not to let anybody dictate her."

"Feels like this wasn't the only time you've met her." She changed the subject.

"Indeed. I've met her multiple times since she's moved in. Two times in the streets, first time she crashed my bike, she was—"

She cut me. "She was the one crashing your bike? I thought you just slipped."

"That's what I said yeah, but the truth is I was in the street at like one am and she somehow ended up in front of me. I had to dodge her and I crashed."

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