Chapter 8

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I opt for a pair of oversized trackpants and hoodie—all white—and grab my stuff before leaving the flat.

I mentally check that I thought about everything, laptop, phone, charger, notebook, and, fuck it.

I lock the door with the keys and stuff them inside my bag.

If I forgot something, then I won't die.

I have classes with Lina today.

Meaning I have criminology.

Surprisingly, the subjects aren't boring to me.

I thought I would get bored with time, or that some of the classes wouldn't be as interesting since we can't appreciate everything.

Well, I can.

Whether it's criminology or psychology.

And it is way better than high school.

I climb down the stairs, and my eyes lay on a masculine back as I reach the bottom. I keep walking, observing his moves, as he puts a sign on the wall.

"Hi," I greet, out of politeness.

He turns to face me, and I freeze as his eyes meet mine.

My brain cannot process what I am seeing.

He seems to have frozen as well, since he keeps his gaze on me. Not letting a single word out.

What is he doing here?

I try to discern what's on the paper, what could he possibily be putting on the wall of my house. Technically the building isn't mine, but this is where I live. And I bet he knows it. Or does he not?

"So, that's where you live?" He surprisingly lets out.

My eyes scan him entirely, from his buzzcut to his new balance shoes. Buzzcut guy.

"Why playing surprised?" I raise an eyebrow, put keep my tone cool.

Don't want to put me in more trouble than I already went through.

"Didn't know that it was this rent that you were paying to my uncle."

So, the bastard was his uncle.

I approach the paper on the wall, and I swear, my curiousity will kill me one day.

It is a photo, of a white cat. 'HAVE YOU SEEN HIM'. Followed by a phone number.

My eyes are stuck on the picture, and anxiety fills my chest little by little as recognizion strikes.

I shit you not, this cat looks exactly like Saide.

The cat Lina found in the street.


I open my mouth but shut it right before words could come out.

What the fuck is going on?

Is this cat Saide?

Did Lina literally kidnapped a cat that didn't belong to her?

Lina wouldn't do that. She cares about the cat too much. She wouldn't separate him from his family.

"You've seen that cat around here?" The voice is literally so close I startle, and turn around to meet the buzzcut guy's murderous eyes.

Mine are widening a bit, seeing nothing behind these icy grey eyes of his, but some disturbing sensation.

This man is not in his right mind. Something's off. Clearly off.

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