Chapter 19

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After that, they finally arrived at Heimdallr....Rena and her companion were going step ahead of the scenery  of beautiful huge city in Erebonian...

Rena and her companion were going step ahead of the scenery  of beautiful huge city in Erebonian

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Rena were suprise about the city...its seem their world and this world never change about it.....she was happy like being home somehow....and she said...

Rena : Woah...!..It's seem something never change one somehow feel like back home...but we must do something before this world destory...after all there has many memories about the history and war after  The Great Twilight....

Sora : Yeah...that's why we need find to prepare for ourselves before we start our own mission...!

Then Dragon knight and Ultra knight stare at them while they were staying on her master t-shirt's pocket on it....Rena and her companion  goes to the Herschel's General Store at Vesta street, Heimdallr...Rena reminder of her aunty that her family always busy with the store sometime...until goes inside still the same...after that they goes buying for preparation before they were settings gone on the journey...furthermore, Rena thinks about the new plan and decide to find Class VII while they at it...Rena goes to the counter and asking about Class VII...

Rena : Hello  Granpa...may I asking a question ?

The old man : may...What do you want wish to know something...little girl...? (the old man smile gentle to her...)

Rena : Well...about Class you know we can find them...because I had a reason for them...

The old man : I see...hmm...I heard the rumor that The Ashen Chevalier disappear after they trying to defeat the Bad guys called the Ouroboros...that the information I know...hoho...

Rena was suprise after she heard about it....she know that the Ouroboros also known as the Society , is a mysterious organization that operates from the shadows. A crime syndicate that has been active all over , Ouroboros serves as one of the main antagonistic forces in the series. It is the most prominent group in the series, playing a major role in each arc with each game featuring at least one member. The true origins, nature and objectives of the organization are one of the series' largest and most long-running mysteries...Ouroboros is led by the , loyally supported by the seven . All seven seats of the Anguis are occupied; if one seat does happen to open up, the Grandmaster is responsible for inviting someone to take this seat....then Rena said...

Rena : Thanks you for everything about my question and end excuse me then....(she smile at the old man...and he smile back at her )

After finish the of buying preparation...Sora notice Rena seem down a little...and he asked...

Sora : What  is the matter seem down a little...also I saw you being asked about a question to the Old man...What is it then...? ( Sora was worries about her and confuse at the same time...then she said)

Rena : Well...actually I asked about the Old Class VII gone been...then he said that the Ashen Chevalier disappear after trying they defeat the Ouroboros...but also i know that he will suffering right now...

Sora was shocked and his eyes wide after he heard...he don't know how to say but silent...and Rena watch at the sky...her mind said..

Rena :( Hey Dad...I'm sure the new Class IV trying to save you right now...I'm believe you can able to save the world and I'm gonna follow by behind you while working on this mission...)

After that, Rena stare at Sora and she said...

Rena : let's go Sora...let's finding them...if the only hope to know about them...after all I'm getting the feel that the Dark Shadow will target them as his new plan...we had to find them and follow them until that Dark Shadow come out...right Dragon knight and Ultra knight...

Her partner nodded after their follow her master say....Sora still confuse about it and he agree with the plan on it...he said...

Sora : Well then...let's go find them...before become worst...!!

Everyone nodded...but before that he said...

Sora : guys....(then rena and her partner stare at him..).. still how to find them anyway...after all we don't know where we can find's hard to find after all...and they are know all ready right...Rena ?

Rena sweatdrop about it and she suddenly have an idea to find them...she know the place can find's The  Hexen Clan village...The Hexen Clan primarily live in Village, located within the Isthmia Great Forest Members of the clan, particularly the women, have a strong connection to the spiritual aspect of the world, allowing them to use magic and cast incantations--although this is not exclusive to to clan, and can be learned. The most powerful of the clan are named witches and typically dress in long flowing robes when performing group incantations. They make use of staffs and familiars, which are often monsters or imparted from the Clan elder herself...The witches have a sixth sense that can't been noticed by others that allows them to sense unusual phenomena. Their sensing of supernatural and mysterious energy ranges from areas remote or close by, to small detections of fiends and devils at the highest rank. They can even determine where the higher elements (Space, Time, & Mirage) are active in the most influential & distorted surroundings...but still Rena know that time...she will encounter Juna, Kurt, Altina and the rest old Class VII there..and need to be carefulabout the mage because they can sense them easily...then she said...

Rena : I think I know where about to finding them...after all I'm know more about them than everyone else...

Sora confuse and he asked..

Sora : And... where is it then...( she smirk at him and said..)

Rena : it's at the Hexen Clan Village and also where the mage lives....I'm sure they staying over there right now...let's go everyone...the adventure awaits us...hehe...! 

Rena smile at him and they were running to the next destination....meanwhile her partner were happy as well...they never experience like this before but their enjoy it new adventure cannot forget...

Dragon Knight : Let's go...haha...!

Ultra Knight : Yeah...let's go...!

After that everyone goes to The Hexen Clan Village for getting more information about The Dark Shadow...she wish to meet Elder Roselia Millstein on their way...

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( This is end of this chapter...and this theme about the scene Rena and Sora...don't forget leave comment and vote below...see you next chapter..bye2 )

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